Website for project Rosenpass (quantum-secure VPN key exchange)
As we use the Docsy theme with Hugo, which is produced by Google, the Docsy submodule has files relating to data gathering for Google Analytics. We have taken care to ensure that these components cannot be called in the built website.
The website is built with Hugo, which generates a static site.
General Installation If you just want to serve the website locally:
Prerequisites: Hugo (extended version), Git, Node.js
After cloning:
git submodule update --init --recursive
npm ci
Commands to remember: Mullana (Windows) In Powershell 7(+) (with npm, node and chocolatey):
- npm update (after git pull)
- hugo server (serve site on localhost)
- hugo (generate static files)
- ...
TODO: The Whitepaper is currently not automatically pulled from the repo anymore.
- it comes from
- and goes into the website root (htdocs/rosenpass on servercow)
TODO: Manuals are are currently not automatically pulled from the repo anymore.
- Source?
- They go into the website main branch at rosenpass\content\en\docs\manuals
- TODO: Release notes need to be added (automatically).
- The website is hosted on servercow.
- There is currently no automated rollout. You have to move the files via FTP.
- The website runs on nginx instead of apache for security reasons, so no .htaccess etc.
- CAUTION: Don't delete the folders "whitepaper" and "kaffeepause", as they are not in the github repository!
Once nix package manager is installed:
- clone the repo (if not already)
- git submodule init (if not already)
- git submodule update
A development shell can be started using
nix develop
. It contains NodeJS and Hugo, plus a couple of handy commands, the list of which can be shown by invokingmenu
.nix develop
Serve the website to a localhost, usually 1313
Build the website, outputs to /public.
The website is built and deployed via GitHub Actions workflows. Therefore, any push to the main branch will trigger a rebuild of the website. Instead, please open a pull request for anything other than small content updates. If you are working on something larger than that, you can merge/push to the /beta branch, which will build and deploy to where you can test your output before trying to merge into the main branch.
This beta subdomain is protected by a HTTP authentication request. This is purely to prevent search engine scrapers from noticing a (near) duplicate website and tanking our ranking as a result. Username: website Password: pleaseletmein