3D based modern site using threejs!
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Table of Contents
AI Fashioned Image generator based on prompt !
Navigate to package.json
& install.
- npm
npm install
- Get an OpenAI API Key at https://openai.com
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/roshray/GiantD.git
- Install NPM
npm install
- Enter your API in
Demos :
For more, please refer to the Youtube
color Picker
File Picker
- [×] ColorPicker component to change the color of the object(shirt in this case)
- [×] Upload File(image)
- [×] Write a prompt
- [×] Generate Image base on prompt
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Project Link: https://github.com/roshray/GiantD