This repo contains the source code for the IROS 2022 paper InCOpt: Incremental Constrained Optimization Using the Bayes Tree
This repo contains all modifications to the core GTSAM library (INCOPT) as well as python scripts/wrappers to run the examples
Note: The instructions below will install the included GTSAM library system wide (replacing any existing installation)
Create a virtual python environment using Anaconda:
conda create -n incopt python=3.7
conda activate incopt
pip install pyparsing
pip install pybind
pip install matplotlib
pip install colorama
pip install hydra-core --upgrade
(pip version 20.0.2 might be required for pybind: pip install pip==20.0.2
Please make sure to install all of GTSAM prerequisites:
From the root directory:
cd gtsam
mkdir build
cd build
From the root directory:
cd wrap
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
sudo make install
From the root directory:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
From the root directory:
sudo ./
The configuration file is located python/config/navigation_2D.yaml
From the root directory:
cd python/examples/navigation_2D
The plots of the trajectories at each time step will be saved in python/figures/navigation_2D/trajectories
The configuration file is located python/config/push_estimation_pybullet.yaml
From the root directory:
cd python/examples/navigation_2D
The plots of the trajectories at each time step will be saved in python/figures/navigation_2D/trajectories
The configuration file is located python/config/arm3_planning_obstacles.yaml
From the root directory:
cd python/examples/path_planning
The plots of the planned trajectories at each step and cost_sigma value will be saved in python/figures/path_planning/3D/solution