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2-update-readme-with-github-repositories-details #574


2-update-readme-with-github-repositories-details #574

name: 2-update-readme-with-github-repositories-details
# Update the README with the details of the GitHub repositories
# Workflow triggered using GitHub CLI at the end of the execution of the update-gihub-repositories-details workflow - but can also be triggered manually without input parameters
# Concurrency configuration for the current workflow - Keep only the latest workflow queued for the considered group
group: update-readme-with-github-repositories-details
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Action used to checkout the main branch in the current repository
# Community action:
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/[email protected]
# Set a current date environment variable in the following format: YYYYMMDD
- name: Set current date as env variable
id: current_date
run: echo "NOW=$(date +'%Y%m%d')" >> $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT
shell: pwsh
# Set the name of the current day in the week as a variable
- name: Set the name of the current day in the week as env variable
id: current_day_in_the_week
run: echo "DAY=$(date +'%A')" >> $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT
shell: pwsh
# Update summary and repositories opened to contributions in README
- name: Update summary and repositories opened to contributions
run: |
Write-Host "/********************************************************************************/"
Write-Host "Install required modules"
Import-Module .\Scripts\Write-MarkdownSection.ps1 -Force
Import-Module .\Scripts\Get-ShieldIoBadge.ps1 -Force
Import-Module .\Scripts\ConvertTo-MarkdownTable.ps1 -Force
Import-Module .\Scripts\Write-ReadmeSummarySection.ps1 -Force
Import-Module .\Scripts\Write-ReadmeRepositoriesOpenedToContributionsSection.ps1 -Force
Write-Host "/********************************************************************************/"
Write-Host "Get search criteria details"
# If the file does not exist initialize the variable with an empty array
if (Test-Path -Path "${{ vars.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH }}") {
$topics = Get-Content -Path "${{ vars.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH }}" | ConvertFrom-Json
} else {
$searchCriteria = @()
Write-Host "Get repositories details"
# If the file does not exist initialize the variable with an empty array
if (Test-Path -Path "${{ vars.DATA_FILE_PATH }}") {
$repositoriesDetails = Get-Content -Path "${{ vars.DATA_FILE_PATH }}" | ConvertFrom-Json
} else {
$repositoriesDetails = @()
Write-Host "/********************************************************************************/"
Write-Host "Update summary"
Write-ReadmeSummarySection -GitHubRepositoriesDetails $repositoriesDetails -Topics $topics
Write-Host "/********************************************************************************/"
Write-Host "Update list of repositories opened to contributions"
Write-ReadmeRepositoriesOpenedToContributionsSection -GitHubRepositoriesDetails $repositoriesDetails
shell: pwsh
# If the current day in the week is Monday, update the list of top growing repositories
- name: Update list of top growing repositories
if: ${{ steps.current_day_in_the_week.outputs.DAY == 'Monday' }}
run: |
Write-Host "Current day of the week: ${{ steps.current_day_in_the_week.outputs.DAY }}"
Write-Host "/********************************************************************************/"
Write-Host "Install required modules"
Import-Module .\Scripts\Write-MarkdownSection.ps1 -Force
Import-Module .\Scripts\Get-ShieldIoBadge.ps1 -Force
Import-Module .\Scripts\ConvertTo-MarkdownTable.ps1 -Force
Import-Module .\Scripts\Write-ReadmeTopGrowingRepositoriesSection.ps1 -Force
Write-Host "/********************************************************************************/"
Write-Host "Get repositories details"
# If the file does not exist initialize the variable with an empty array
if (Test-Path -Path "${{ vars.DATA_FILE_PATH }}") {
$repositoriesDetails = Get-Content -Path "${{ vars.DATA_FILE_PATH }}" | ConvertFrom-Json
} else {
$repositoriesDetails = @()
Write-Host "Get latest snapshot of the popularity score of the GitHub repositories"
# If the file does not exist initialize the variable with an empty array
if (Test-Path -Path "${{ vars.DATA_SNAPSHOT_FILE_PATH }}") {
$repositoriesPopularityScoresSnapshot = Get-Content -Path "${{ vars.DATA_SNAPSHOT_FILE_PATH }}" | ConvertFrom-Json
} else {
$repositoriesPopularityScoresSnapshot = @()
Write-Host "/********************************************************************************/"
Write-Host "Update list of top growing repositories"
Write-ReadmeTopGrowingRepositoriesSection -GitHubRepositoriesDetails $repositoriesDetails -GitHubRepositoriesPopularityScoresSnapshot $repositoriesPopularityScoresSnapshot
shell: pwsh
# Push the changes in the current repository
- name: Push changes
run: |
git config --global '[email protected]'
git config --global 'GitHub Action'
git add --all
git commit -m "Information regarding referenced GitHub repositories updated in README - ${{ steps.current_date.outputs.NOW }}.${{ github.run_number }}"
git -c http.extraheader="AUTHORIZATION: Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" push origin main
shell: pwsh
# If the current day in the week is Monday, trigger the snapshot-github-repositories-popularity-score workflow in the current repository using GitHub CLI
- name: Trigger snapshot-github-repositories-popularity-score workflow
if: ${{ steps.current_day_in_the_week.outputs.DAY == 'Monday' }}
run: |
gh workflow run snapshot-github-repositories-popularity-score.yml --ref main
shell: pwsh