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Method to the Madness

This contain my solutions to the exercises found in Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Language, 2nd Edition []

The solutions were written and tested using guile v2.0.11 []

The solutions are licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.

The code is organized by chapter and exercise number. For example, the code for the solution to exercise 2.42 in chapter 2 is contained in the file named ex2.42.scm in the ch2/ subdirectory.

The directory additional_assignments contains attempts to answer the addition problem sets from:

Finally, the directory inst_manual contains problems from the Instructor's Manual.

The plan is to follow the class lecture (and readings) schedule as laid out in:

as well as:

Book Synopsis The progression of the book is

  1. abstracting processes and names with procedures
  2. abstracting data representation
  3. abstracting interface as a module, along with the theory and practice of mutation
  4. abstracting semantics with interpreters (programs which take programs as data).

Reading Plan

The plan is to read the Instructor's Manual (for the relevant sections covered by the video lecture) first (to get an overview of the learning objectives for the section).

Next will be to read the relevant section for the video (eg video 1a first). Then re-read the section in the book - making any notes.

All chapter readings will be done before watching the videos.

Problems After watching the video, a second pass through the required section reading will be done. At this point, the exercises will be attempted - first the subsection exercises (followed by the Instructor's Manual additional exercises (if any)).

When both videos has been completed, the additional problem sets will be attempted (again, if any are relevant).

This is a work-in-progress.

-rprimus Mon 15 Dec 2014 07:00:04 GMT


💻 solutions to SICP exercises







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