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Releases: rramadeu/AGHmatrix


03 Oct 15:08
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Fix bug preventing to go to sorted() structure within Amatrix for some pedigree files


16 Aug 22:02
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Add ASV option to Amatrix, Gmatrix, Hmatrix
Change citation
Reverse back default arguments to match with historical default (thanks ASRgenomics check)


08 May 18:45
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Fix issue with pedigree ordering, fix Mcheck minor


30 Mar 20:59
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  • snp.check now is Mcheck
  • reviewed tutorial/functions


13 Sep 20:43
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Major updates:

  • Revisited and updated tutorial (
  • Earlier autopolyploid Gmatrix() (for VanRaden method) was being scaled by the sampling variance, now the default is to scale by the parametric format (i.e.: ploidypq) which is the most reported scaling way in the literature. Both give same output under infinite number of SNPs. As it is just a scaling factor, the prediction accuracies out of this revisited GRM are the same.
  • Gmatrix() imputation. The default now is to input missing value by the mean of each marker. Earlier was imputing the missing data by a unique global mean across all markers (not ideal approach that was completely overlooked by me). There is an option to input by median too (by marker or global).
  • New Gmatrix() option to include SNP weights. You can indicate a vector with weights for each marker (from a GWAS output for example).
  • New filterpedigree() function. Given a pedigree and a vector of individuals, it reduces the pedigree to keep just the vector of individuals and their ancestral entries. This speeds up and reduces the required specs to build the A matrix while keeping the same output. Some people from animal breeding were facing problems to build the A matrix with really large pedigrees (>100K entries) while the interest was just on the relationship of just some hundred individuals, this approach has been solving the problem.
  • New AmatrixPolyCross() function. It is an expansion of the Amatrix() function that allows to have possible parents out of a pool of parents. Example, offspring of [mom A x (dad B or dad C)] will have 0.5 of relatedness with mom A and 0.25 of relatedness with dad B and with dad C; and this probability is propagated in the recurrent algorithm in the pedigree. It allows fix mother x pool of dad, or pool of parents equally possible.
  • New Amatrix()'s benchmark covering [RAM x pedigree size x computational time] located at the tutorial's end.

Let me know if you have any question or suggestion.