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Author: Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall
Version: 2.4.5 (2024-07-20)

Unix Environment under Windows

This is a documentation on how to setup a reasonable but opinionated Unix development environment under Microsoft Windows 10/11 (Pro edition, 64-bit mode, version ≥ 1809) with the help of the native Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), the Ubuntu GNU/Linux distribution, Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall's Unix dotfiles shell environment, the terminal emulator MinTTY/WSLTTY and the Docker Desktop for Windows container execution platform.


Notice: In short, the crux of this setup in contrast to the usual standard WSL setups is:

  • convenient root access (password-less sudo)
  • reasonably mapped home directory (/c/Users/$USER)
  • essential Unix shell configurations for Bash, Vim, Vifm, TMux and Git ("dot-files")
  • essential Unix shell tools (OpenSSH, RSYNC, etc)
  • additional WSL shell tools (wsl-open)
  • improved host terminal emulator (MinTTY/WSLTTY)
  • host SSH agent with transparent access from within WSL (weasel-pageant)
  • Docker and Kubernetes client CLIs
  • optionally, Docker runtimes inside WSL (DockerD, Podman) or on host (Docker for Windows)
  • optionally, essential programming language runtime (JavaScript/Java)

Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

  1. Ensure Windows 10/11 Professional/Enterprise, 64 Bit, Version ≥ 18.09:
    Ensure you are running at least Windows 10 Professional or Windows 10 Enterprise in 64-bit mode and in Version 1809 (October 2018), 1903 (April 2019), 1909 (November 2019) or newer (including Windows 11).

    Rationale: Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is available only under those Windows editions, only under 64-bit and in a reasonable fashion only under at least this version or newer. Windows 10 in Version 1809 is the bare minimum. The recommended system is at least Windows 10 in Version 1909 or newer (including Windows 11).

    • STARTSettingsSystemAbout:
    • ... Device SpecificationsSystem type
    • ... Windows SpecificationsEdition
    • ... Windows SpecificationsVersion


    If you have a different edition or you are running in 32-bit mode, you are out of luck with WSL. Sorry, then you have to went with MSYS2 or Cygwin. If you want to perform a fresh Windows 10/11 installation, start over with Microsoft's Download Windows 10 Disc Image (ISO File) or Download Windows 11 Disc Image (ISO File). If you just still have an older Windows version, upgrade with one of the following options:

  2. Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux:
    Enable the Windows feature Windows Subsystem for Linux. A reboot might be necessary.

    Rationale: Windows Subsystem for Linux is the core feature we want to use.

    • STARTpowershellRIGHT-CLICKRun as administrator
    • Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux


    • STARTcmdRIGHT-CLICKRun as administrator
    • dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart


    • STARTcontrol panelProgramsPrograms and FeaturesTurn Windows features on or offWindows-Subsystem for Linux

    Notice: In case you have trouble to enable Windows Subsystem for Linux, this can have many reasons. In most cases, the reason is that point (1) above is not exactly fulfilled. Start over there again.

  3. Enable "Virtual Machine Platform" Feature
    Enable the Windows feature Virtual Machine Platform (required for WSL2). A reboot might be necessary.

    Rationale: WSL2 is recommended.

    • STARTpowershellRIGHT-CLICKRun as administrator
    • Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName VirtualMachinePlatform


    • STARTcmdRIGHT-CLICKRun as administrator
    • dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart


    • STARTcontrol panelProgramsPrograms and FeaturesTurn Windows features on or offVirtual Machine Platform
  4. Install/Update WSL2 Linux Kernel
    Update the WSL2 Linux kernel.

    Rationale: WSL2 Linux kernel has to be up-to-date or WSL2 will complain.

  5. Enable Hardware Virtualization
    Enable the CPU Hardware Virtualization in the PC BIOS (required for WSL2).

    • Reboot your system
    • Hold "DELETE" key during boot.
    • Enable CPU Hardware Virtualization (VT-x/VMX).
  6. Update WSL:
    Update to the latest version of Windows Subsystem for Linux.

    • STARTpowershellRIGHT-CLICKRun as administrator
    • wsl.exe --update

Install Ubuntu GNU/Linux Operating System

  1. Install Ubuntu 24.04 LTS:
    Install Ubuntu GNU/Linux 24.04 Long Term Support (LTS) from the Microsoft Store.

    Rationale: you need a reasonable GNU/Linux distribution and it should receive updates for a longer time.

    • STARTmicrosoft storeSearchubuntu 24.04 ltsInstall

    Notice: In case the Microsoft Store is not available on your system, the reason can be that you still have User Account Control (UAC) disabled, or you are still not signed in with a Microsoft Account (although it should be not required), or your Windows is still not activated or you are still running an evaluation version of Windows. Anyway, try to fix the problems the following way:

    • STARTSettingsUpdates & SecurityTroubleshootWindows Store AppsRun the troubleshooter

Setup Ubuntu GNU/Linux Operating System

  1. Enter Ubuntu under WSL:
    Enter Ubuntu GNU/Linux under Windows Subsystem for Linux.

    Rationale: we have to setup Ubuntu from itself.

    • STARTUbuntu 24.04

    Just be patient on first launch, it really takes time. Then, when asked for your username, enter the same as your Windows username. When asked for your password, enter either your Windows password or another one, but remember it (at least once until the step where we configure sudo(8) below)! For all other questions, keep the defaults.

  2. Enable Convenient Root Access:
    Ensure no password is needed for subsequent root access.

    Rationale: just convenience only -- feel free to ignore if you want to enter your password over and over again.

    • sudo vi /etc/sudoers
      %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
  3. Upgrade Ubuntu Operating System:
    Upgrade to the latest package versions of Ubuntu and allow APT to use HTTPS.

    Rationale: you always want the latest updates and Docker later needs HTTPS access.

    • sudo apt update -y &&
      sudo apt upgrade -y --with-new-pkgs &&
      sudo apt install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
  4. Mount Windows directories in WSL with Meta-Data enabled:
    Configure the mounting of Windows directories in WSL (/c instead of /mnt/c) and with Meta-Data enabled.

    Rationale: allow POSIX file permissions on Windows drives from within WSL.

    • sudo vi /etc/wsl.conf
      systemd = true
      enabled = true
      root = /
      options = "metadata,umask=022"
  5. Use Combined Home Directory:
    Map the Unix home directory to the regular Windows home directory.

    Rationale: just convenience only -- feel free to ignore.

    • STARTcmd
    • wsl --shutdown
    • wsl -u root usermod -d /c/Users/%USERNAME% %USERNAME%
  6. Activate Filesystem Layout:
    Perform a logout/login cycle on the host system to activate the new filesystem layout (mapping of /c and home directory)

    Rationale: WSL does not re-mount the filesystem without a logout/login or reboot

Configure Unix Shell Environment

  1. Re-Enter Ubuntu under WSL:
    Re-Enter Ubuntu GNU/Linux under Windows Subsystem for Linux again.

    Rationale: we have to configure the Unix environment from itself.

    • STARTUbuntu 24.04
  2. Install Essential Unix Tools:
    Install all necessary essential and some more useful Unix tools.

    Rationale: the subsequent Unix Shell Configurations are partially based on them and you really want a decent Unix environment.

    First, install the tools which available via standard package manager:

    • sudo apt install -y bash less vim vifm tmux &&
      sudo apt install -y procps lsof dnsutils tcpdump &&
      sudo apt install -y openssh-client stunnel subversion git curl &&
      sudo apt install -y mc tree file findutils &&
      sudo apt install -y rsync rdup rclone restic w3m lftp &&
      sudo apt install -y atool gzip bzip2 xz-utils zip unzip &&
      sudo apt install -y diffutils diffstat patch patchutils par &&
      sudo apt install -y openssl gnupg golang-cfssl apg uuid bc &&
      sudo apt install -y imagemagick ghostscript poppler-utils &&
      sudo apt install -y gcc g++ bison flex

    Second, install the tool FZF which is not available (at least not in latest version) via standard package manager:

    • curl -skLO &&
      tar zxf fzf-*-linux_amd64.tar.gz &&
      sudo install -c -m 755 fzf /usr/local/bin/ &&
      rm fzf fzf-*-linux_amd64.tar.gz
  3. Optionally Install Additional Unix Tools:
    Install additionally useful Unix tools.

    Rationale: Git-Town and TTY2Web are often useful.

    • curl -skLO &&
      sudo dpkg -i git-town_*.deb &&
      rm git-town_*.deb &&
      curl -skLO &&
      sudo install -c -m 755 tty2web* /usr/local/bin/tty2web &&
      rm tty2web*
  4. Install Unix Shell Configurations:
    Install Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall's essential Unix dotfiles.

    Rationale: you really want a reasonable pre-configured Unix shell environment.

    • sudo apt install -y make &&
      curl -skLO &&
      unzip -x &&
      (cd dotfiles-master && sudo make install) &&
      rm -rf dotfiles-master &&
      rm &&
      dotfiles -f ~
  5. Install UTF-8 locale information:
    Install the UTF-8 locale information into the system.

    Rationale: prevent Bash from complaining afterwards.

    • sudo localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
  6. Install Unix Shell Addon Configurations:
    Install Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall's Bash-FZF and Bash-ENVRC addons.

    Rationale: you really want a reasonable pre-configured Unix shell environment. This especially includes an improved CTRL+r functionality in Bash, which then opens an FZF-based search functionality (which you can see in the screenshot above, too).

    • curl -skL -o ~/.bash-fzf.rc &&
      curl -skL -o ~/.bash-envrc.rc &&
      exec bash

    • cdpaths -g

  7. Optionally Extend Unix Shell Configurations:
    Extend the Unix shell configuration with your personal information.

    Rationale: these informations individualize your environment (replace the <xxx> placeholders, please).

    • vi ~/.dotfiles/gitconfig
      user = <username>
      name = <firstname> <lastname>
      email = <firstname>.<lastname>@<domain>
  8. Install WSL Utilities:
    Install additional WSL utilities.

    Rationale: you want additional features inside WSL.

    • sudo apt install -y ubuntu-wsl wslu &&
      curl -skLO &&
      unzip -x &&
      sudo install -c -m 755 wsl-open-master/ /usr/local/bin/wsl-open &&
      sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/man/man1 &&
      sudo install -c -m 644 wsl-open-master/wsl-open.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1/ &&
      rm -rf wsl-open-master &&

    • curl -skLO &&
      unzip -x &&
      mkdir -p ~/AppData/Local/WSLHostPatcher &&
      chmod 755 WSLHostPatcher.exe &&
      mv WSLHostPatch.dll WSLHostPatcher.exe ~/AppData/Local/WSLHostPatcher/ &&
      rm -f WSLHostPatch*.*

    • vi ~/.dotfiles/bashrc
      alias wsl="/c/Windows/System32/wsl.exe"
      alias cmd="/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe"
      alias wsl-host-patcher="$HOME/AppData/Local/WSLHostPatcher/WSLHostPatcher.exe"
      alias open=wsl-open

  9. Optionally avoid system messages:
    Force the system to not display messages.

    Rationale: you don't want to be nerved with those messages

    • touch ~/.hushlogin

Install MinTTY/WSLTTY Terminal Emulator

  1. Install MinTTY/WSLTTY:
    Install the WSLTTY variant of MinTTY.

    Rationale: a reasonable terminal emulator has to be used and the default WSL console is not good enough.

  2. Install DejaVu Sans Mono font:
    Install a perfect monospaced font for the terminal emulator.

    Rationale: MinTTY/WSLTTY configuration below references it.

    • download: DejaVu Sans ≥ 2.37dejavu-fonts-ttf-*.zip
    • extract: dejavu-fonts-ttf-*.zipRIGHT-CLICK Extract all
    • install: dejavu-fonts-ttf-*\ttf\ → select all *.ttfRIGHT-CLICKInstall
  3. Install MinTTY/WSLTTY Configuration:
    Install Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall's MinTTY/WSLTTY configuration.

    Rationale: reasonable colors and fonts should be used in the terminal emulator.

    • download: MinTTY-config
    • extract: master.zipRIGHT-CLICK Extract all
    • copy: mintty-config-master\config
    • paste: %APPDATA%\wsltty (override config file)
  4. Optionally Make MinTTY/WSLTTY easily accessible:
    Pin MinTTY/WSLTTY to the Windows taskbar and additionally assign it to the global Windows hotkey CTRL+ALT+c.

    Rationale: easy and quick access to the Unix shell

    • STARTwsl terminalRIGHT-CLICK Pin to taskbar.
    • Taskbar → WSL TerminalRIGHT-CLICKWSL Terminal
    • ...RIGHT-CLICKPropertiesShortcut keyCTRL+ALT+c.

Optionally Install Secure-Shell (SSH) Environment (feel free to skip)

  1. Install PuTTY:
    Install the PuTTY SSH client.

    Rationale: you want to run the PuTTY Agent (pageant) for reasonable SSH agent support.

  2. Generate SSH Key:
    Generate (or use existing) SSH key.

    Rationale: you don't want to use passwords, of course.

    • STARTputtygen RETURN
    • Generate
    • Key passphrase & Confirm passphrase
    • Save public keyc:\Users\<username>\Documents\ssh-key-pub.pem
    • Save private keyc:\Users\<username>\Documents\ssh-key-prv.ppk
    • ConversionsExport OpenSSH keyc:\Users\<username>\Documents\ssh-key-prv.pem.
  3. Autostart PuTTY Agent:
    Enable the PuTTY Agent to autostart on login and load the SSH private key.

    Rationale: you want it to be running all the time.

    • WIN+e%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartupRIGHT-CLICKNewShortcut
    • "C:\Program Files\PuTTY\pageant.exe" "C:\Users\<username>\Documents\ssh-key-prv.ppk"
  4. Install PuTTY Agent Client (Weasel-Pageant)
    Install Weasel-Pageant for accessing the PuTTY Agent from within WSL.

    Rationale: you want to directly access PuTTY Agent from within WSL.

    • Weasel-Pageant
    • weasel-pageant-1.4.zipRIGHT-CLICKExtract all
    • move weasel-pageant-1.4\ to %APPDATA%\weasel-pageant\
  5. Enter Ubuntu under WSL via MinTTY/WSLTTY:
    Re-Enter Ubuntu GNU/Linux under Windows Subsystem for Linux again (this time via MinTTY/WSLTTY).

    Rationale: we have to configure also the Unix version of SSH.

    • STARTwsl terminal RETURN
  6. Configure Unix Environment for SSH Agent:
    Configure the Unix environment to use the Weasel-Pageant as the SSH agent.

    Rationale: in every WSL terminal you want SSH agent access available automatically.

    • vi ~/.dotfiles/bashrc
      eval $(~/AppData/Roaming/weasel-pageant/weasel-pageant -r -s)

Optionally Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Version 2 (Windows 10/11 Version >= 19.03 only) (feel free to skip)

  1. Switch to use WSL 2

    • STARTcmd
    • wsl --set-default-version 2
    • wsl --set-version Ubuntu-24.04 2

Optionally Install Podman/Docker/Docker-Compose/Kubectl/Minikube/Helm Client CLIs (feel free to skip)

  1. Re-Enter Ubuntu under WSL:
    Re-Enter Ubuntu GNU/Linux under Windows Subsystem for Linux again.

    Rationale: we have to operate inside Ubuntu here again.

    • STARTwsl terminal RETURN
  2. Install Podman/Skopeo/Buildah:
    Install Podman, the daemon-less Docker alternative, and its companion tools Skopeo (registry access) and Buildah (container build).

    Rationale: Podman is a Docker-compatible daemon-less way to run containers. Notice that In WSL there are no systemd(8) and journald(8) daemons running, so the environment has to be slightly adjusted to allow podman to work correctly.

    • (. /etc/os-release; echo "deb${VERSION_ID}/ /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/devel:kubic:libcontainers:testing.list; curl -skL "${VERSION_ID}/Release.key" | sudo apt-key add - ) && sudo apt update -y; sudo apt install -y podman skopeo buildah

    • sed -e 's;^# cgroup_manager = .*;cgroup_manager = "cgroupfs";' -e 's;^# events_logger = .*;events_logger = "file";' </usr/share/containers/containers.conf >/tmp/containers.conf; sudo install -c -m 644 /tmp/containers.conf /etc/containers/containers.conf; rm /tmp/containers.conf

  3. Install Docker/Docker-Compose:
    Install original native Linux version of the Docker and Docker-Compose CLIs.

    Rationale: the original native Linux versions works more flawless than executing the Windows versions under WSL.

    • curl -skL | sudo apt-key add - && sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" && sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli

    • V=$(curl -skL | egrep 'releases/tag/v[0-9.]*"' | sed -e 's;^.*releases/tag/v;;' -e 's;".*$;;' | head -1); sudo curl -skL${V}/docker-compose-linux-x86_64 -o /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose; sudo chmod 755 /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose

  4. Install Kubectl/Minikube/Helm:
    Install the Kubernetes client kubectl(1), the Kubernetes all-in-one server minikube(8) and the Kubernetes package manager helm(1).

    Rationale: when dealing with the Kubernetes world of containers, those two CLIs are essential.

    • sudo curl -skL$(curl -skL -o /usr/local/bin/kubectl && sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/kubectl

    • sudo curl -skL -o /usr/local/bin/minikube; sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/minikube

    • V=$(curl -skL | egrep 'releases/tag/v3\.[0-9.]*"' | sed -e 's;^.*releases/tag/v;;' -e 's;".*$;;' | head -1); curl -skL $(printf "%s%s"${V}-linux-amd64.tar.gz) | sudo tar -z -x -f - --strip-components=1 -C /usr/local/bin linux-amd64/helm; sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/helm

Optionally Establish DockerD/ContainerD as Container Runtime (Alternative 1, WSL2 only) (feel free to skip)

Pro: the original and no root permissions required for docker(1) and docker-compose(1) calls
Con: intransparent and slowed down development

  1. Allow Access to Daemon
    Allow the current user access to the Docker daemon.

    • sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  2. Configure User Environment:
    Configure the user environment to auto-start the Docker daemon.

    Rationale: WSL has no init scripts, so start the Docker daemon manually when the shell is opened.

    • vi ~/.dotfiles/bashrc
      (sudo service docker start || true) >/dev/null 2>&1

Optionally Establish Podman as Container Runtime (Alternative 2, WSL2 only) (feel free to skip)

Pro: fully transparent and fast Open Source development
Con: the clone and root permissions required for docker(1) and docker-compose(1) calls

  1. Provide Docker REST API Service:
    Let Podman provide the Docker REST API as a Unix domain socket under the usual /var/run/docker.sock path.

    Rationale: Docker-Compose requires this access method.

    • curl -L "" >podman-service; install -c -m 755 podman-service /etc/init.d/; rm podman-service
  2. Configure User Environment:
    Configure the user environment to auto-start the Docker REST API of Podman.

    Rationale: WSL has no init scripts, so start the Podman socket service manually when the shell is opened.

    • vi ~/.dotfiles/bashrc
      (sudo service podman-service start || true) >/dev/null 2>&1
  3. Substitute Docker CLI
    Substitute the call-compatible podman(1) for docker(1).

    • sudo apt remove docker-ce docker-ce-cli
    • sudo sh -c '(echo "#!/bin/sh"; echo "exec /usr/bin/podman \"\$@\"") >/usr/local/bin/docker && chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/docker'

Optionally Establish Docker for Windows as Container Runtime (Alternative 3, Host only) (feel free to skip)

Pro: Docker available also on the host, Kubernetes included
Con: intransparent and slowed down development, no longer free for large Enterprise use

  1. Install Docker Desktop:
    Install the Docker Desktop for Windows (Community Edition) distribution.

    Rationale: you want Docker container engine be available on the host.

    • STARTcontrol panelProgramsPrograms and FeaturesTurn Windows features on or offHyper-V (a reboot is required)

    • Docker DesktopDownload for Windows (a reboot is required)

    • STARTcomputer management RIGHT-CLICKRun as administrator

    • Computer ManagementSystem ToolsLocal Users and GroupsGroupsdocker-usersLEFT-DOUBLE-CLICKAdd... (ensure that your user is really in this group -- usually it is the case by default)

    Notice: You need a Docker Hub account for downloading and using Docker Desktop. Sign up first if you still don't have a Docker Hub account.

    Notice: Yes, Hyper-V is necessary as Docker Desktop for Windows (in contrast to the regular Docker for Linux) runs Docker inside a small Linux distribution which is executed in a virtual machine via Hyper-V.

  2. Start & Configure Docker Desktop:
    Start and configure Docker Desktop.

    Rationale: for CLI access from within WSL 1, the Docker daemon API has to be exposed via TCP on localhost. For WSL 2 Docker for Windows has a special type of integration which does not need this any longer.

    • STARTdocker desktop RETURN
    • System TrayDocker DesktopRIGHT-CLICKSettingsGeneralExpose daemon...
  3. Re-Enter Ubuntu under WSL:
    Re-Enter Ubuntu GNU/Linux under Windows Subsystem for Linux again.

    Rationale: we have to install also the Unix client side of Docker.

    • STARTwsl terminal RETURN
  4. Configure User Environment:
    Configure the user environment to access Docker for Windows on the host.

    Rationale: the access works through the TCP socket instead of the usual Unix domain socket.

    • vi ~/.dotfiles/bashrc
      export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:2375

Optionally install Language Runtimes (feel free to skip)

  1. Install Node.js:
    Install the Node.js JavaScript language runtime.

    Rationale: you want a reasonable JavaScript environment available.

    • curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
    • sudo apt install -y nodejs
  2. Install OpenJDK:
    Install the OpenJDK Java language runtime.

    Rationale: you want a reasonable Java environment available.

    • sudo apt install -y default-jdk