Source Code:
pytest fetches fixtures by argument name instead of by object references, this breaks python convention and can feel odd/like too much magic. ex:
def test_bar1(fix_w_yield1, fix_w_yield2, tmp_path):
assert tmp_path.exists()
in regular python code you wouldn't expect this to initialize the variables from fixture functions fix_w_yield1/fix_w_yield2/tmp_path
Let me admit this workaround for pytest fixture reference a bit of a hack. It might be important to note that this still uses pytests usual magic string matching under the covers by grabbing the function name and re-writing the function. That means you do have to make sure pytest imports it by installing it/specifying it in pytest_plugins/etc as well as importing it for reference. It also means this technically works with fake/dummy functions with the same name (in case you can't easily import some fixtures)
from pytest_fixture_ref import using_fixtures_from_defaults, using_fixtures_from_kwargs
def test_bar1(_=fix_w_yield1, __=fix_w_yield2, tmp=tmp_path):
assert tmp.exists()
@using_fixtures_from_kwargs(_=fix_w_yield1, __=fix_w_yield2, tmp=tmp_path)
def test_bar2(_, __, tmp):
assert tmp.exists()
You can also use it to reference fixtures from other fixtures
def first_entry():
return "a"
def order(fe=first_entry):
return [fe]
pip install pytest-fixture-ref
- Clone this repository
- Requirements:
- Poetry
- Python 3.7+
- Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies
poetry install
- Activate the virtual environment
poetry shell
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