Semi-automatic extraction of characters from an image into a font for the generation of images and old documents.
This application can be tested online, or installed locally. To install it two solutions are provided : manually or from a docker image.
// Opencv installation
#Ubuntu Linux distribution
$ sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
#MAC distribution (with Homebrew)
$ brew install opencv
// Libnavajo installation
$ git clone
$ cd libnavajo
$ cmake .
$ make
$ sudo make install
// Font-extractor installation
$ git clone
$ cd Pdp/server
$ make
First install docker
$ docker run -dti -p 80:8080 rtisne/font-extractor
This may take some times. After the installation just go to your docker ip address
To lauch the server, go into the server folder and make:
$ ./main
The server will be run by default on port 8080. You can change the port in the file libnavajo/src/ of libnavajo
#define DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT 8080
If you are in local, you can access to the server throught: http://localhost:8080
The application is host online :
Tests are available to test the algorithm part that retrieves components in the image. To launch test go to the test folder and build:
$ cmake.
$ make
$ ./Unit_test
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