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Overview of Commands

Ruben Christoffer Hegland-Antonsen edited this page May 26, 2020 · 1 revision
addlink        Adds a new link to config file
addlinks       Adds multiple new links at once to config file with optional
addvar         Adds a new variable to config file
removelink     Removes link from config
removevar      Removes a variable from config file
linkall        Generates all links from config
list           Lists all the links or variables in the config
config         Displays information about config file by default, but can
               create / delete / modify config file
validate       This will validate the config file to see if it is valid
interactive    Starts an interactive session where you can run multiple
               commands without 'Mklinker' in front. Use 'exit' to exit from
               interactive session
scan           Detect if circular paths (loops) exist for a given root folder
               by scanning all directories and collecting data. This detection
               is very rough and will only give an indication by displaying
               how often certain directory names are used (indicating loops
               around those directory names)
help           Display more information on a specific command.
version        Display version information.
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