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Puppet module to install and run Hashicorp Vault.


This module is currently only tested on:

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • CentOS/RedHat 6
  • CentOS/RedHat 7


include vault

By default, with no parameters the module will configure vault with some sensible defaults to get you running, the following parameters may be specified to configure Vault. Please see The official documentation for further details of acceptable parameter values.


Setup parameters

  • user: Customise the user vault runs as, will also create the user unless manage_user is false.

  • manage_user: Whether or not the module should create the user.

  • group: Customise the group vault runs as, will also create the user unless manage_group is false.

  • manage_group: Whether or not the module should create the group.

  • bin_dir: Directory the vault executable will be installed in.

  • config_dir: Directory the vault configuration will be kept in.

  • config_mode: Mode of the configuration file (config.json). Defaults to '0750'

  • purge_config_dir: Whether the config_dir should be purged before installing the generated config.

  • install_method: Supports the values repo or archive. See Installation parameters.

  • service_name: Customise the name of the system service

  • service_enable: Tell the OS to enable or disable the service at system startup

  • service_ensure: Tell the OS whether the service should be running or stopped

  • service_provider: Customise the name of the system service provider; this also controls the init configuration files that are installed.

  • service_options: Extra argument to pass to vault server, as per: vault server --help

  • num_procs: Sets the GOMAXPROCS environment variable, to determine how many CPUs Vault can use. The official Vault Terraform script sets this to the output of nprocs, with the comment, "Make sure to use all our CPUs, because Vault can block a scheduler thread". Default: number of CPUs on the system, retrieved from the processorcount fact.

  • manage_storage_dir: When using the file storage, this boolean determines whether or not the path (as specified in the ['file']['path'] section of the storage config) is created, and the owner and group set to the vault user. Default: false

  • manage_service_file: Manages the service file regardless of the defaults. Default: See Installation parameters.

Installation parameters

When install_method is repo

When repo is set the module will attempt to install a package corresponding with the value of package_name.

  • package_name: Name of the package to install, default: vault
  • package_ensure: Desired state of the package, default: installed
  • bin_dir: Set to the path where the package will install the Vault binary, this is necessary to correctly manage the disable_mlock option.
  • manage_service_file: Will manage the service file in case it's not included in the package, default: false
  • manage_file_capabilities: Will manage file capabilities of the vault binary. default: false

When install_method is archive

When archive the module will attempt to download and extract a zip file from the download_url, the extracted file will be placed in the bin_dir folder. The module will not manage any required packages to un-archive, e.g. unzip. See puppet-archive setup documentation for more details.

  • download_url: Optional manual URL to download the vault zip distribution from. You can specify a local file on the server with a fully qualified pathname, or use http, https, ftp or s3 based URI's. default: undef
  • download_url_base: This is the base URL for the hashicorp releases. If no manual download_url is specified, the module will download from hashicorp. default:
  • download_extension: The extension of the vault download when using hashicorp releases. default: zip
  • download_dir: Path to download the zip file to, default: /tmp
  • manage_download_dir: Boolean, whether or not to create the download directory, default: false
  • download_filename: Filename to (temporarily) save the downloaded zip file, default:
  • version: The Version of vault to download. default: 1.3.2
  • manage_service_file: Will manage the service file. default: true
  • manage_file_capabilities: Will manage file capabilities of the vault binary. default: true

Configuration parameters

By default, with no parameters the module will configure vault with some sensible defaults to get you running, the following parameters may be specified to configure Vault. Please see The official documentation for further details of acceptable parameter values.

  • storage: A hash containing the Vault storage configuration, default:
{ 'file' => { 'path' => '/var/lib/vault' }}
  • listener: A hash or array of hashes containing the listener configuration(s), default:
  'tcp' => {
    'address'     => '',
    'tls_disable' => 1,
  • ha_storage: An optional hash containing the ha_storage configuration

  • seal: An optional hash containing the seal configuration

  • telemetry: An optional hash containing the telemetry configuration

  • disable_cache: A boolean to disable or enable the cache (default: undef)

  • disable_mlock: A boolean to disable or enable mlock See below (default: undef)

  • default_lease_ttl: A string containing the default lease TTL (default: undef)

  • max_lease_ttl: A string containing the max lease TTL (default: undef)

  • enable_ui: Enable the vault UI (requires vault 0.10.0+ or Enterprise) (default: undef)

  • api_addr: Specifies the address (full URL) to advertise to other Vault servers in the cluster for client redirection. This value is also used for plugin backends. This can also be provided via the environment variable VAULT_API_ADDR. In general this should be set as a full URL that points to the value of the listener address (default: undef)

  • extra_config: A hash containing extra configuration, intended for newly released configuration not yet supported by the module. This hash will get merged with other configuration attributes into the JSON config file.


class { '::vault':
  storage => {
    file => {
      path => '/tmp',
  listener => [
      tcp => {
        address     => '',
        tls_disable => 0,
      tcp => {
        address => '',

or alternatively using Hiera:

    path: /tmp

  - tcp:
      tls_disable: 1
  - tcp:

vault::default_lease_ttl: 720h


By default vault will use the mlock system call, therefore the executable will need the corresponding capability.

In production, you should only consider setting the disable_mlock option on Linux systems that only use encrypted swap or do not use swap at all.

The module will use setcap on the vault binary to enable this. If you do not wish to use mlock, set the disable_mlock attribute to true

class { '::vault':
  disable_mlock => true


First, bundle install

To run RSpec unit tests: bundle exec rake spec

To run RSpec unit tests, puppet-lint, syntax checks and metadata lint: bundle exec rake test

To run Beaker acceptance tests: BEAKER_set=<nodeset name> BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet5 bundle exec rake acceptance where <nodeset name> is one of the filenames in spec/acceptance/nodesets without the trailing .yml, e.g. ubuntu-18.04-x86_64-docker.

Related Projects

  • hiera-vault: A Hiera storage backend to retrieve secrets from Hashicorp's Vault


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