This project is about Khela Ghar Montessory School's online study app.
The web app is used for online education for the students of Khela Ghar montessory school through study materials (such as notes, image, audio and video).
The link to the web app is here.
The study materials (notes, image, audio and video) are uploaded from Kgms Admin (an android app for the school's admin use).
The project is created with create-react-app of React.js and hosted at Firebase.
All images from the web app has been designed using Inkscape.
Third party library and api used as follows:
- React-detect-device Js
- Firebase firestore
- Firebase storage
- Youtube api v3 Js
- Youtube Iframe Embed Api
The website responsiveness is managed by React-detect-device Js on the top level to produce a Desktop view and Mobile view. Later the responsiveness on the Mobile view is managed by css media query.
contact @ [email protected] or [email protected].