Calculate sums, collect gems, gain high scores and get the might of numbers! Remember dates, constants, phone numbers and calculate faster!
Number Commander is the online multiplayer game for kids which helps children to learn numbers addition and fast calculation. It's tile-based and very easy to start and only browser is required to play it.
We think about Number Commander as about perfect case for the topic "HTML5 games that are educational and learning oriented". Now it is early alpha version allowing users to play game on one server-generated map.
There aren't too much educational and online games. There are much fewer HTML5 games. We wanted to create something valuable for the mankind and young people, who will build the future of all the World. And we wanted to contribute to the OpenSource, especially framework, indie-gamedev and hackathon sub-cultures. We think and we hope that the indie game development movement helps many people start programming, learn informatics basics and grow engineering and scientifical skills, required by any occupation.
This game has been crafted during hackaton in 48 hours by ( and ( It uses HTML5 2D Game Engine, Node.js and for multiplayer communication layer. Some of objects from domain area are shared between client-side and server-side using RequireJS framework.
To run Number Commander on your server you have to install NodeJS and NPM package manager. After this has been done, npm install
and then node app.js
to run debug server.
Coming soon.
Node.js,,, RequireJS, jQuery, hackaton-starter