Add extra visual effects to the Gosu game-development library, utilising OpenGL shaders (using shader model 1.0, for maximum compatibility) and frame-buffers.
"Ashton" is named after Clark Ashton Smith, an fantasy/horror author with a particularly colourful imagination.
- Author: Bil Bas (Spooner)
- Wiki
- License: MIT
gem install ashton --pre
Gosu extensions
{Gosu::Color} - Converting to and from opengl values.
{Gosu::Font} - Apply shader to draw operations.
{Gosu::Image} - Apply shader to each draw operation or group of draws. Manipulation, such as flipping and scaling.
{Gosu::Window} - Post-processing with shaders. Converting to image.
{Ashton::Texture} - Single texture (compared to Gosu::Image which uses a spritesheet) which can be drawn directly onto and drawn to the Window.
{Ashton::Lighting::Manager} - Manages and combines the lighting from {Ashton::Lighting::LightSource} objects.
{Ashton::Lighting::LightSource} - A single light-source that illuminates and whose can be blocked by shadow-casting objects.
{Ashton::ParticleEmitter} - Generates, manages and displays particles.
{Ashton::PixelCache} - Cached image data attached to an {Ashton::Texture} or {Gosu::Image}.
{Ashton::SignedDistanceField} - A signed distance field based on a an image mask.
{Ashton::Shader} - Wrapper around a GLSL shaders, Supports vertex and fragment shaders. Small shader/function library.
{Ashton::WindowBuffer} - Texture that is the same size as the Gosu Window that can capture the contents of the screen.
OSX/Linux: Requires OpenGL library be installed.
{Ashton::Shader} and {Ashton::Lighting} or anything else using shaders, require OpenGL 2.0.
- TexPlay - Deals with Gosu::Image manipulation, such as per-pixel editing and drawing. It is compatible with, and complementary to, this gem.
OpenGL static library (in Windows binary gem) and headers.
GLee source.
Various trivial shaders - "randomly found on the Internet" :$
Classic and Simplex noise functions - Copyright (C) 2011 Ashima Arts - MIT license.
- classicnoise2d.glsl - 2D Classic Perlin noise implementation -
- classicnoise3d.glsl - 3D Classic Perlin noise implementation -
- classicnoise4d.glsl - 4D Classic Perlin noise implementation -
- noise2d.glsl - 2D Simplex noise implementation -
- noise3d.glsl - 3D Simplex noise implementation -
- noise4d.glsl - 4D Simplex noise implementation -
- classicnoise2d.glsl - 2D Classic Perlin noise implementation -
- bloom.frag
- shockwave.frag
Radial Blur by
- radial_blur.frag
Lighting based on, but much optimised from, Catalin Zima's shader based dynamic shadows system.
- {Ashton::Lighting::LightSource} and {Ashton::Lighting::Manager} classes.
- shadow_blur.frag
- shadow_distory.frag
- shadow_draw_shadows.frag