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WhyMon: explanations as verdicts

WhyMon is a runtime monitoring tool that produces explanations as verdicts of metric first-order temporal logic (MFOTL) formulas.

Getting Started

To execute the project locally, follow the instructions below.


WhyMon is written in OCaml and requires a recent version of the OCaml compiler (>= 4.11). We recommend installing OCaml's package manager opam, which includes OCaml's compiler.

For instance, you can create an OCaml 5.1.0 switch and initialize the environment variables of your terminal by running

$ opam switch create 5.1.0
$ eval $(opam config env)

To install WhyMon's dependencies, run

$ opam install dune core_kernel base zarith menhir js_of_ocaml js_of_ocaml-ppx zarith_stubs_js

At this point, you are able to locally execute WhyMon's command line interface (CLI).

However, to locally execute WhyMon's graphical user interface (GUI), you also need Node.js and an Ace editor's fork that includes syntax highlighting for WhyMon's inputs.

Specifically, run

$ npm install

from the vis folder to install the GUI's dependencies. Furthermore, assuming that both whymon and ace-mfotl are located in the same folder, run

$ npm install
$ ./

from the ace-mfotl folder.

Running (CLI)

From WhyMon's root folder, you can compile the code with

$ dune build

This generates the bin/whymon.exe executable. Moreover, running

$ ./bin/whymon.exe

presents WhyMon's CLI usage statement.

To experiment with WhyMon's CLI interface, you can execute the three_attempts example (introduced in Lima et al., ATVA'24) that detects unusual authentication behavior. In particular, the policy examples/paper-tool/three_attempts.mfotl specifies that a single user has attempted to login thrice (in intervals between 1 and 30 seconds) from possibly different countries (based on their IP addresses). You can run this example with

$ ./bin/whymon.exe -sig examples/paper-tool/three_attempts.sig \
                   -formula examples/paper-tool/three_attempts.mfotl \
                   -log examples/paper-tool/three_attempts.log

WhyMon inputs the MFOTL formula three_attempts.mfotl, the trace three_attempts.log, and the signature file three_attempts.sig that specifies the events (and their data parameter types) in the trace.

WhyMon outputs explanations in the form of partitioned decision trees (PDTs) [Lima et al., TACAS'24].

We distinguish time-points (indices into the trace) and time-stamps, which are attached to the time-points and denote real time (e.g., a Unix timestamp).

For instance, in this example, at time-point 0 (with time-stamp 4) the explanation is the following


c1 ∈ Complement of {NO}


    c2 ∈ Complement of {}


        c3 ∈ Complement of {}




                    u ∈ Complement of {}

                            VPred(0, att, u, c1)



c1 ∈ {NO}


    c2 ∈ Complement of {}


        c3 ∈ Complement of {}




                    u ∈ Complement of {6}

                            VPred(0, att, u, c1)

                    u ∈ {6}






Here, Complement of {} corresponds to the infinite domain $\mathbb{D}$. Hence, x ∈ Complement of {} denotes that the variable $x$ can be assigned to any value of the domain.

For instance, considering the assignment c1 ∈ {NO}, c2 ∈ Complement of {}, c3 ∈ Complement of {}, the associated proof tree corresponds to a violation of the existential quantifier for the variable $u$ at time-point 0 (VExists{0}{u}). Specifically, there was no user $u$ (such that u ∈ Complement of {6}) that attempted to login from the country NO (Norway) at the current time-point 0.

You can also run this example with the option -mode verified:

$ ./bin/whymon.exe -mode verified \
                   -sig examples/paper-tool/three_attempts.sig \
                   -formula examples/paper-tool/three_attempts.mfotl \
                   -log examples/paper-tool/three_attempts.log

from WhyMon's root folder. To filter the explanation checker output, we send WhyMon's CLI output through a pipe (|) to grep. For instance,

$ ./bin/whymon.exe -mode verified \
                   -sig examples/paper-tool/three_attempts.sig \
                   -formula examples/paper-tool/three_attempts.mfotl \
                   -log examples/paper-tool/three_attempts.log | grep "Checker output:"


Checker output: true
Checker output: true
Checker output: true
Checker output: true
Checker output: true
Checker output: true

Indicating the validity of all explanations produced by WhyMon's monitoring algorithm (one for each of the 6 time-points included in the trace).

For more details on the proof trees and the proof system rules, you can check [Lima et al., TACAS'24].

Running (GUI)

From the vis folder, you can start the GUI with

$ npm start

At this point, a non-deterministic issue regarding a path computation might arise. To fix this issue, run

$ ./tools/

from WhyMon's root folder.

Now, you can select, run and interactively explore the included examples using WhyMon's GUI.

Clicking on the ? button (in the main page) presents WhyMon's syntax. In addition, the GUI's usage has been described in the GUI's Quickstart page, [Lima et al., TACAS'24] and [Lima et al., ATVA'24].


This step requires Isabelle2024 and depends on the corresponding Archive of Formal Proofs (AFP) version.

The file src/ corresponds to the code extracted from our checker formalized in the proof assistant Isabelle. This formalization has been published in the AFP [Herasimau et al., AFP]. Alternatively, you can extract this code from the current repository on your local machine by running

$ isabelle build -vd thys -eD code

from inside the formalization folder. This generates the file formalization/code/checker.ocaml, which is identical to the already included file src/


Metric First-Order Temporal Logic

{PRED} ::= string

{VAR} ::= string

{VARS} ::=   {VAR}
           | {VAR}, {VARS}

{CONST} ::= quoted string

{I}  ::= [{NAT}, {UPPERBOUND}]

                 | INFINITY   (∞)

{f} ::=   {PRED}({VARS})
        | true                  (⊤)
        | false                 (⊥)
        | {VAR} EQCONST {CONST} (=)
        | NOT {f}               (¬)
        | {f} AND {f}           (∧)
        | {f} OR  {f}           (∨)
        | {f} IMPLIES {f}       (→)
        | {f} IFF {f}           (↔)
        | EXISTS {VAR}. {f}     (∃)
        | FORALL {VAR}. {f}     {∀}
        | PREV{I} {f}           (●)
        | NEXT{I} {f}           (○)
        | ONCE{I} {f}           (⧫)
        | EVENTUALLY{I} {f}     (◊)
        | HISTORICALLY{I} {f}   (■)
        | ALWAYS{I} {f}         (□)
        | {f} SINCE{I} {f}      (S)
        | {f} UNTIL{I} {f}      (U)
        | {f} TRIGGER{I} {f}    (T)
        | {f} RELEASE{I} {f}    (R)

Note that this tool also supports the equivalent Unicode characters (on the right).


{TYPE} ::= string | int

               | {VAR}:{TYPE}, {VARTYPES}

{SIG} ::=   {PRED}({VARTYPES})
          | {PRED}({VARTYPES}) \n {SIG}


{VALUES} ::=   string
             | string, {VALUES}

           | @{NAT} {PREDICATE}()* \n {TRACE}

where 0 <= {NAT} <= 2147483647.


This project is licensed under the GNU Lesser GPL-3.0 license - see LICENSE for details.