Kontrol combines KEVM and Foundry to grant developers the ability to perform formal verification without learning a new language or tool. This is especially useful for those who are not verification engineers. Additionally, developers can leverage Foundry test suites they have already developed and use symbolic execution to increase the level of confidence.
Documentation for Kontrol can be found in Kontrol book.
Join our Kontrol Telegram Group or Discord server if you have any questions or require support.
bash <(curl https://kframework.org/install)
: install kup package manager.kup install kontrol
: install Kontrol.kup list kontrol
: list available Kontrol versions.
NOTE: The first run will take longer to fetch all the libraries and compile sources. (30m to 1h)
You need to install the K Framework on your system, see the instructions there. The fastest way is via the kup package manager, with which you can do to get the correct version of K:
kup install k.openssl.secp256k1 --version v$(cat deps/k_release)
First you need to set up all the dependencies of the virtual environment using Poetry with the prerequisites python 3.8.*
, pip >= 20.0.2
, poetry >= 1.3.2
poetry install
In order to build kontrol
, you need to build these specific targets.
Note that you can use kontrol.base
(without keccak or aux lemmas), kontrol.aux
(with aux lemmas), kontrol.keccak
(with keccak lemmas) and kontrol.full
(with all lemmas) instead of kontrol.*
(which builds them all).
poetry run kdist --verbose build -j2 kontrol.*
To change the default compiler:
CXX=clang++-14 poetry run kdist --verbose build -j2 kontrol.*
On Apple Silicon:
APPLE_SILICON=true poetry run kdist --verbose build -j2 kontrol.*
Targets can be cleaned with:
poetry run kdist clean
For more information, refer to kdist --help
Use make
to run common tasks (see the Makefile for a complete list of available targets).
make build
: Build wheelmake check
: Check code stylemake format
: Format codemake test-unit
: Run unit tests
To update the expected output of the tests, use the --update-expected-output
make cov-integration TEST_ARGS="--numprocesses=8 --update-expected-output"
Relevant to this workflow kontrol-push-fixed-deps.yml
This is relevant for internal development to publish development images of Kontrol with modified Kontrol changes and retain fixed upstream dependencies. The use case for this workflow is intended to facilitate testing changes to Kontrol needed for use in testing CI or in other downstream workflows without needing to publish changes or PRs first.
The intent is to reduce the friction of needing custom builds and avoiding lengthy upstream changes and PRs.
Relevant to this workflow kup-build-kontrol.yml
This is relevant for internal development to publish development images of Kontrol for use in KaaS or a dockerized test environment. Use the workflow Kup Build Kontrol to publish a custom version of Kontrol for use in CI and KaaS. See KUP docs for more information
Relevant dependency options are shown below and can be listed using kup list kontrol --inputs
For example:
├── k-framework - follows kevm/k-framework
├── kevm - github:runtimeverification/evm-semantics (6c2526b)
│ ├── blockchain-k-plugin - github:runtimeverification/blockchain-k-plugin (c9264b2)
│ │ ├── k-framework - github:runtimeverification/k (5d1ccd5)
│ │ │ ├── haskell-backend - github:runtimeverification/haskell-backend (d933d5c)
│ │ │ │ └── rv-utils - follows kevm/blockchain-k-plugin/k-framework/llvm-backend/rv-utils
│ │ │ ├── llvm-backend - github:runtimeverification/llvm-backend (37b1dd9)
│ │ │ │ ├── immer-src - github:runtimeverification/immer (4b0914f)
│ │ │ │ └── rv-utils - github:runtimeverification/rv-nix-tools (a650588)
│ │ │ └── rv-utils - follows kevm/blockchain-k-plugin/k-framework/llvm-backend/rv-utils
│ │ └── rv-utils - follows kevm/blockchain-k-plugin/k-framework/rv-utils
│ ├── haskell-backend - follows kevm/k-framework/haskell-backend
│ ├── k-framework - github:runtimeverification/k (81bcc24)
│ │ ├── haskell-backend - github:runtimeverification/haskell-backend (786c780)
│ │ │ └── rv-utils - follows kevm/k-framework/llvm-backend/rv-utils
│ │ ├── llvm-backend - github:runtimeverification/llvm-backend (d5eab4b)
│ │ │ ├── immer-src - github:runtimeverification/immer (4b0914f)
│ │ │ └── rv-utils - github:runtimeverification/rv-nix-tools (a650588)
│ │ └── rv-utils - follows kevm/k-framework/llvm-backend/rv-utils
│ └── rv-utils - follows kevm/k-framework/rv-utils
└── rv-utils - follows kevm/rv-utils
Notice: the 'follows' in the 'kup list' output. This shows the links to the important dependencies and which are affected when you set the overrides.
Now run a build using kup and specific dependency overrides:
kup install kontrol --override kevm/k-framework/haskell-backend "hash/branch_name" --override kevm/k-framework/haskell-backend "hash"
Note: It's important that you use the short-rev hash or the long for specific revisions of the dependencies to modify.
- Go to repo Kontrol Actions Page
- Click on "Push Kontrol w/ Dependencies" from the left hand list
- Click on "Run Workflow" on the top right corner of the list of workflow runs is an option "Run Workflow".
- Use the 'master' branch unless you're doing something special.
- Input the override hash strings for specific dependencies to override in kontrol. See below on how to find the hash for the dependency.
- Then click "Run Workflow" and a job will start.
- The workflow summary shows the name of the image that was built and pushed e.g. ghcr.io/runtimeverification/kontrol-custom:tag
Note: The tag will be a randomly generated string.
The workflow takes multiple inputs to override the various components of kontrol. Those overrides are listed above in the example output of 'kup list kontrol --inputs'
To set the desired revisions of the dependencies. Find the associated hash on the branch and commit made to be used for the dependnecy override. If an input is left blank, the workflow will workout the default hash to use based on kontrols latest release.
Example to fetch the desired hash to insert a different dependency version into the kontrol build. Substitude the k-framework revision used to build kontrol.
K_TAG=$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/runtimeverification/kontrol/master/deps/k_release)
git ls-remote https://github.com/runtimeverification/k.git refs/tags/v${K_TAG} | awk '{print $1}'
- KEVM: Formal model of EVM in K Framework.
- EVM Yellowpaper: Original specification of EVM.
For more information about the K Framework, refer to these sources:
- The K Tutorial
- Semantics-Based Program Verifiers for All Languages
- Reachability Logic Resources
- Matching Logic Resources
- Logical Frameworks: Discussion of logical frameworks.