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[minor] create umbrella (#1756)
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AlexKovalevych authored and Troush committed Jan 22, 2018
1 parent 85cc902 commit bf5cf86
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Showing 479 changed files with 551 additions and 400 deletions.
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions .formatter.exs
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@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
# Used by "mix format"
inputs: [
inputs: ["mix.exs", "apps/*/mix.exs", "apps/*/{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}"],
line_length: 120
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions .travis.yml
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Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ before_install:
- sudo ./bin/ci/
# Extract project name and version from mix.exs
- source ./bin/ci/release/
- source ./bin/ci/rel/
# Load information about new version
- source ./bin/ci/release/
# Load information about changelog
Expand All @@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ script:
# Run all tests except pending ones
- ./bin/ || travis_terminate 1
# Build Docker container
- ./bin/ci/release/ || travis_terminate 1
- ./bin/ci/rel/ || travis_terminate 1
# Initialize DB for Docker container
- MIX_ENV=dev mix ecto.setup
- (cd apps/ehealth && MIX_ENV=dev mix ecto.setup)
# Run Docker container
- sudo ./bin/ci/release/
- sudo ./bin/ci/release/ || travis_terminate
# Submit Docker container to Docker Hub and create GitHub Release by pushing tag with changelog
- ./bin/ci/release/ || travis_terminate 1
- ./bin/ci/rel/ || travis_terminate 1
- echo "Decrypting deploy key..."
- openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_c996ec964e08_key -iv $encrypted_c996ec964e08_iv -in eHealth-8110bd102a69.json.enc -out eHealth-8110bd102a69.json -d
- sudo ./bin/ || travis_terminate 1
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions apps/ehealth/.gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# App artifacts

# Generated on crash by the VM

# Files matching config/*.secret.exs pattern contain sensitive
# data and you should not commit them into version control.
# Alternatively, you may comment the line below and commit the
# secrets files as long as you replace their contents by environment
# variables.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions apps/ehealth/
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# EHealth

To start your Phoenix app:

* Install dependencies with `mix deps.get`
* Create and migrate your database with `mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate`
* Start Phoenix endpoint with `mix phoenix.server`

Now you can visit [`localhost:4000`](http://localhost:4000) from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please [check our deployment guides](

## Learn more

* Official website:
* Guides:
* Docs:
* Mailing list:
* Source:
251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions apps/ehealth/config/config.exs
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@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
use Mix.Config

# General application configuration
config :ehealth,
env: Mix.env(),
namespace: EHealth,
ecto_repos: [EHealth.Repo, EHealth.PRMRepo, EHealth.FraudRepo, EHealth.EventManagerRepo],
run_declaration_request_terminator: true,
system_user: {:system, "EHEALTH_SYSTEM_USER", "4261eacf-8008-4e62-899f-de1e2f7065f0"}

# Configures the endpoint
config :ehealth, EHealth.Web.Endpoint,
url: [host: "localhost"],
secret_key_base: "AcugHtFljaEFhBY1d6opAasbdFYsvV8oydwW98qS0oZOv+N/a5TE5G7DPfTZcXm9",
render_errors: [view: EView.Views.PhoenixError, accepts: ~w(json)]

# Configures Digital Signature API
config :ehealth, EHealth.API.Signature,
enabled: {:system, :boolean, "DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_ENABLED", true},
endpoint: {:system, "DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_ENDPOINT"},
hackney_options: [
connect_timeout: {:system, :integer, "DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
recv_timeout: {:system, :integer, "DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
timeout: {:system, :integer, "DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000}

# Configures MediaStorage API
config :ehealth, EHealth.API.MediaStorage,
endpoint: {:system, "MEDIA_STORAGE_ENDPOINT"},
legal_entity_bucket: {:system, "MEDIA_STORAGE_LEGAL_ENTITY_BUCKET"},
declaration_request_bucket: {:system, "MEDIA_STORAGE_DECLARATION_REQUEST_BUCKET"},
declaration_bucket: {:system, "MEDIA_STORAGE_DECLARATION_BUCKET"},
medication_request_request_bucket: {:system, "MEDIA_STORAGE_MEDICATION_REQUEST_REQUEST_BUCKET"},
enabled?: {:system, :boolean, "MEDIA_STORAGE_ENABLED", false},
hackney_options: [
connect_timeout: {:system, :integer, "MEDIA_STORAGE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
recv_timeout: {:system, :integer, "MEDIA_STORAGE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
timeout: {:system, :integer, "MEDIA_STORAGE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000}

# Configures PRM API
config :ehealth, EHealth.API.PRM,
endpoint: {:system, "PRM_ENDPOINT", "http://api-svc.prm/api"},
hackney_options: [
connect_timeout: {:system, :integer, "PRM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
recv_timeout: {:system, :integer, "PRM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
timeout: {:system, :integer, "PRM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000}

# Configures Legal Entities token permission
config :ehealth, EHealth.Plugs.ClientContext,
tokens_types_personal: {:system, :list, "TOKENS_TYPES_PERSONAL", ["MSP", "PHARMACY"]},
tokens_types_mis: {:system, :list, "TOKENS_TYPES_MIS", ["MIS"]},
tokens_types_admin: {:system, :list, "TOKENS_TYPES_ADMIN", ["NHS ADMIN"]}

# Configures OAuth API
config :ehealth, EHealth.API.Mithril,
endpoint: {:system, "OAUTH_ENDPOINT"},
hackney_options: [
connect_timeout: {:system, :integer, "OAUTH_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
recv_timeout: {:system, :integer, "OAUTH_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
timeout: {:system, :integer, "OAUTH_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000}

# Configures Man API
config :ehealth, EHealth.API.Man,
endpoint: {:system, "MAN_ENDPOINT"},
hackney_options: [
connect_timeout: {:system, :integer, "MAN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
recv_timeout: {:system, :integer, "MAN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
timeout: {:system, :integer, "MAN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000}

# Configures UAddress API
config :ehealth, EHealth.API.UAddress,
endpoint: {:system, "UADDRESS_ENDPOINT"},
hackney_options: [
connect_timeout: {:system, :integer, "UADDRESS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
recv_timeout: {:system, :integer, "UADDRESS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
timeout: {:system, :integer, "UADDRESS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000}

# Configures OTP Verification API
config :ehealth, EHealth.API.OTPVerification,
endpoint: {:system, "OTP_VERIFICATION_ENDPOINT"},
hackney_options: [
connect_timeout: {:system, :integer, "OTP_VERIFICATION_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
recv_timeout: {:system, :integer, "OTP_VERIFICATION_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
timeout: {:system, :integer, "OTP_VERIFICATION_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000}

# Configures MPI API
config :ehealth, EHealth.API.MPI,
endpoint: {:system, "MPI_ENDPOINT"},
hackney_options: [
connect_timeout: {:system, :integer, "MPI_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
recv_timeout: {:system, :integer, "MPI_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
timeout: {:system, :integer, "MPI_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000}

# Configures OPS API
config :ehealth, EHealth.API.OPS,
endpoint: {:system, "OPS_ENDPOINT"},
hackney_options: [
connect_timeout: {:system, :integer, "OPS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
recv_timeout: {:system, :integer, "OPS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
timeout: {:system, :integer, "OPS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000}

# Configures Gandalf API
config :ehealth, EHealth.API.Gandalf,
endpoint: {:system, "GNDF_ENDPOINT"},
client_id: {:system, "GNDF_CLIENT_ID"},
client_secret: {:system, "GNDF_CLIENT_SECRET"},
application_id: {:system, "GNDF_APPLICATION_ID"},
table_id: {:system, "GNDF_TABLE_ID"},
hackney_options: [
connect_timeout: {:system, :integer, "GNDF_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
recv_timeout: {:system, :integer, "GNDF_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000},
timeout: {:system, :integer, "GNDF_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", 30_000}

# configure emails
config :ehealth, :emails,
employee_request_invitation: %{
employee_request_update_invitation: %{
hash_chain_verification_notification: %{
employee_created_notification: %{
credentials_recovery_request: %{

config :ehealth, EHealth.Man.Templates.EmployeeRequestInvitation,
format: {:system, "EMPLOYEE_REQUEST_INVITATION_TEMPLATE_FORMAT", "text/html"},

# Configures employee request update invitation template
config :ehealth, EHealth.Man.Templates.EmployeeRequestUpdateInvitation,

config :ehealth, EHealth.Man.Templates.HashChainVerificationNotification,

# employee created notification
# Configures employee created notification template
config :ehealth, EHealth.Man.Templates.EmployeeCreatedNotification,

config :ehealth, EHealth.Man.Templates.DeclarationRequestPrintoutForm,

# Template and setting for credentials recovery requests
config :ehealth, :credentials_recovery_request_ttl, {:system, :integer, "CREDENTIALS_RECOVERY_REQUEST_TTL", 1_500}

config :ehealth, EHealth.Man.Templates.CredentialsRecoveryRequest,

config :ehealth, :legal_entity_employee_types,

config :ehealth, :legal_entity_division_types,

config :ehealth, :medication_request_request,
expire_in_minutes: {:system, "MEDICATION_REQUEST_REQUEST_EXPIRATION", 30},
otp_code_length: {:system, "MEDICATION_REQUEST_REQUEST_OTP_CODE_LENGTH", 4}

config :ehealth, :medication_request,
"Ваш рецепт: <request_number>. Код підтвердження: <verification_code>"},
{:system, "TEMPLATE_SMS_FOR_REJECT_MEDICATION_REQUEST", "Відкликано рецепт: <request_number> від <created_at>"}

config :ehealth, EHealth.Bamboo.Emails.Sender, mailer: {:system, :module, "BAMBOO_MAILER"}

# Configures bamboo
config :ehealth, EHealth.Bamboo.PostmarkMailer,
adapter: EHealth.Bamboo.PostmarkAdapter,
api_key: {:system, "POSTMARK_API_KEY", ""}

config :ehealth, EHealth.Bamboo.MailgunMailer,
adapter: EHealth.Bamboo.MailgunAdapter,
api_key: {:system, "MAILGUN_API_KEY", ""},
domain: {:system, "MAILGUN_DOMAIN", ""}

config :ehealth, EHealth.Bamboo.SMTPMailer,
adapter: EHealth.Bamboo.SMTPAdapter,
server: {:system, "BAMBOO_SMTP_SERVER", ""},
hostname: {:system, "BAMBOO_SMTP_HOSTNAME", ""},
port: {:system, "BAMBOO_SMTP_PORT", ""},
username: {:system, "BAMBOO_SMTP_USERNAME", ""},
password: {:system, "BAMBOO_SMTP_PASSWORD", ""},
tls: :if_available,
allowed_tls_versions: [:tlsv1, :"tlsv1.1", :"tlsv1.2"],
ssl: true,
retries: 1

# Configures address merger
config :ehealth, EHealth.Utils.AddressMerger, no_suffix_areas: {:system, "NO_SUFFIX_AREAS", ["М.КИЇВ", "М.СЕВАСТОПОЛЬ"]}

# Configures genral validator
config :ehealth, EHealth.LegalEntities.Validator, owner_positions: {:system, :list, "OWNER_POSITIONS", [""]}

# Configures birth date validator
config :ehealth, EHealth.Validators.BirthDate,
min_age: {:system, "MIN_AGE", 0},
max_age: {:system, "MAX_AGE", 150}

# Configures Elixir's Logger
config :logger, :console,
format: "$message\n",
handle_otp_reports: true,
level: :info

config :ehealth, EHealth.Scheduler,
declaration_request_autotermination: {:system, :string, "DECLARATION_REQUEST_AUTOTERMINATION_SCHEDULE", "* 0-4 * * *"},
employee_request_autotermination: {:system, :string, "EMPLOYEE_REQUEST_AUTOTERMINATION_SCHEDULE", "0-4 * * *"}

config :cipher,
keyphrase: System.get_env("CIPHER_KEYPHRASE") || "8()VN#U#_CU#X)*BFG(Cadsvn$&",
ivphrase: System.get_env("CIPHER_IVPHRASE") || "B((%(^(%V(CWBY(**(by(*YCBDYB#(Y(C#"

import_config "#{Mix.env()}.exs"
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions apps/ehealth/coveralls.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"skip_files": [
"custom_stop_words": [
"treat_no_relevant_lines_as_covered": true
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions lib/ehealth/application.ex → apps/ehealth/lib/ehealth.ex
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Expand Up @@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ defmodule EHealth do
# Start the endpoint when the application starts
supervisor(EHealth.Web.Endpoint, []),
worker(EHealth.Scheduler, [])
# Starts a worker by calling: EHealth.Worker.start_link(arg1, arg2, arg3)
# worker(EHealth.Worker, [arg1, arg2, arg3]),

# See
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Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ defmodule EHealth.Web.MedicationRequestRequestView do
|> render("show.json", %{"person" => person})
|> Map.put("age", age)
|> Map.drop(["birth_date", "addresses"])
|> Map.delete("bitrh_date")

defp get_age(birth_date, current_date) do
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/tasks/tasks.ex → apps/ehealth/lib/tasks/tasks.ex
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule :ehealth_tasks do
defmodule EHealth.ReleaseTasks do
@moduledoc """
Nice way to apply migrations inside a released application.
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