AtomOS 0.5.0
We are very happy to announce that a new release of AtomOS was published! A lot of work was done, and it took 2 months to provide a bunch of new features to you.
- App structure redesigned
- Package management system
- Online application repository
- Optimized for GitHub
- System Updater
- Graphics rendering improvements on some platforms
- Preload removal
- New applications: market, install, systeminfo, aclockwallpaper, camcorder, sudo, control, updater
- Interface customization, Date/Time change utility
- proton now has a history list, local home page, lots of imporvements
- Overall bug fixes
- Multi-user mode
- Configuration files for each user by each app
- Specialised lightdm-webkit-greeter theme, will be available sooner
- Asynchronous copy/paste file operations in aos-cabinet