Simple Analysis for Multimodal Pipelines of Light and Electron imaging (samplePy)
A pipeline for analyzing and integrating light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM) data in neuroscience experiments. samplePy is designed to process, analyze, and correlate multi-modal imaging data from neuronal samples. It provides a structured workflow from raw data input to advanced analysis and visualization.
The pipeline is organized into several key stages:
LM Data Processing
- Load experiments and create samples
- Register LM trials and stacks
- Segment cells and extract traces
- Normalize, deconvolve, and correlate traces
LM Stack Processing
- Preprocess LM stacks
- Register to reference stack
- Segment with EM-warped masks
- Extract markers from channels
EM Data Processing
- Segment cells using SOFIMA alignment and Cellpose
- Segment glomeruli
- Find landmarks with BigWarp
- Register to LM stack and trials
CLEM (Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy)
- Register centroids using LUT (Look-Up Table)
- Functional-structural analysis (details to be implemented)
- Integrated processing of LM trials, LM stacks, and EM stacks
- Advanced cell segmentation and trace extraction
- Cross-modality registration and correlation
- Flexible pipeline with modular steps