This Project is solely for Education Purpose Only! The current maintainer or the future maintainer will not be responsible for any action done by the end user!axios ^0.27.2
md5 ^2.3.0
random-useragent ^0.5.0
yargs ^17.5.1
npm install axios md5 random-useragent yargs
node index --help
node index --download 5000 --upload 5000 --ping 10 --server (your server id without brackets) --accuracy 8
the command values are completely optional if you don't want to put any amounts yourself.
If you want to change the server id to a server near you, visit http://www.speedtest.net/api/embed/trial/config.php
The details gets transferred to Speedtest.net database with the inputed Value
After processing the user retrieves a real speedtest.net result but with fake values!
In short exploits Ookla Speedtest APIs
If you Use it on a remote server then your location in the speedtest result will be of that server only!
Run Locally on WAMP or XAMP server to get your location in the result.