fix idempotence #3
Use "ubuntu-latest" instead of "ubuntu-18.04" a572fc6
Add stale 412b092
Update ubuntu from ubuntu-18.04 -> ubuntu-latest c266ab7
Update github-action-markdown-link-check to version v1 b7f7e26
Update tests to use Molecule 3.0 and lint manually f3f9656
Increase version of markdown-link-check and use action-yamllint with tag b11d2ea
Add shellcheck + ansible-lint improved ee01a32
Add comments to .yamllint.yml c25f1eb
Add comment to .markdownlint.yml c85099e
Add .pre-commit-config.yaml and python files to .gitignore b3eaf06
Fix tests to let them run only on master branch d47a5b5
Split markdown and molecule tests c5c6024
Fix mdspell fde81dd
Add ansible-lint tests 4b28e23
Ubuntu 14.04 removed from tests 096948d
GitHub Actions rewritten 38492be
Upgrading actions/checkout from v1 to v2 14a4d6e
Adding repository update command to GH Actions b47045c
GitHub Action added b079ecb
Fix spelling f1fec21
Ubuntu 12.04 tests removed d0d90d4
Molecule tests changed 05fc355
Moving to Node.js 10 in TravisCI eacc94b
find error codes replaced by xargs - problems should be detected and task fails in TravisCI bd3d47b
TravisCI improvements 1403354
License added e29f70e
Change from -> 05e8f1d
Merge branch 'master' of e5a5ffd
Moving to Molecule testing d394991
Small fix de73af8
ansible-lint added 4d9d31c
ArchLinux test removed... 9c3a9a9
Alpine test removed 6f11509
travis-ci tests improved af20afb
Changed the way of handling /etc/environment 14d32c0
no_proxy added for wget 1dd8d2d
Add proxies to wgetrc to configure proxy in wget ad1880c
Tests fixed 1d825ba
Travis changed... 10ee518
Travis yml changed to pass the tests. d2d6a87
Fixed documentation typo. afffc36
Cosmetic badge change e7f4350
Ansible Galaxy Badge added bbbd5c9
Fixed typo in test 591ad65
README improved 79c442b
Name change to proxy_settings 9f059a9
Added proxy variables in upper case letters da06ea5
Fixed issue with multiple proxy entries in yum.conf 21fdcfa
Small "output" changes 360742e
Path to binaries fixed for testing e99b28d
You can’t perform that action at this time.