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Natural Language Processing LDA model designed to extract topics trained on 70, 000 articles from Simple Wikipedia.

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Simple Wikipedia Dataset Topic Extraction

Ryan Arnouk

Natural Language Processing LDA model designed to extract topics trained on 70, 000 articles from Simple Wikipedia.

Work and research can be found in Wikipedia_Dataset_Topic_extraction.ipynb

Parsing file can be found in

Pickled model can be found in model.pkl


Using 1000 topics can be found in the 1000 topics testing folder.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) in Topic Modelling


In natural language processing (NLP) latent Dirichlet allocation is a generative statistical model. This means the model can extract topics in an unlabeled dataset by frequency and distribution of words, to extract topics.

LDA assumes all the words in a document are related and tries to figure out how each document could have been created. We need to just tell the model how many topics to construct to generate topic and word distributions over a corpus. Using this can allow us to identify similar documents within the corpus.

Meaning, LDA Is useful for finding accurate mixtures of topics within a document.

When using LDA you would choose a fixed number of topics (k) to discover from the dataset. In my case, I chose 200 to represent all the topics from the Simple Wikipedia Dataset.


  • Documents with similar topics will use similar groups of words
  • Document definitions/modeling:
    • Documents are probability distributions over latent topics
    • Topics are probability distributions over words.

Instead of focusing purely on the frequency of words in a topic, LDA focuses also on the distribution between words across topics.

Plate Notation

A simple way to visually represent all the dependencies in the model's parameters:

Plate Notation

By Bkkbrad - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

M represents the total number of documents within the corpus

N denotes the number of words in a document

Outside parameters: Dirichlet priors

  • α = the parameter of the Dirichlet prior on the per-document topic distributions
    • High alpha denotes a higher likelihood that each document is going to contain a mixture of the documents.
    • Low alphas suggest that each document will only contain 1 or 2 topics
  • β = is the parameter of the Dirichlet prior on the per-topic word distribution
    • High beta means each topic will contain a mixture of most of the words
    • Low beta means each topic will only contain a mixture of a few words.
  • Theta: Topic distribution for the document
  • z notates each topic, making each document a mixture of these topics.
  • w stands for the word

Dirichlet Distribution

1000 samples from a Dirichlet distribution using an increasing alpha value.

How LDA Works

LDA Works Backwards

LDA runs in reverse, by starting with a corpus of documents and generating topics. To understand how LDA assumes the topics of the documents it is important to understand the generative process:

LDA assumes documents are created in the same way:

  1. Determine the number of words in the document
  2. Choose a topic mixture for the document over a fixed set of topics (k) a. Topic A: 20% b. Topic B: 20% c. Topic C: 60%
  3. Generate topics in a document by: a. First, pick a topic for the document from the topic distribution above. b. Pick a word based on the topic distribution.

Since we have a corpus of documents, we want LDA to learn the topic representation of K topics in each document and the word distribution of each topic.

LDA backtracks from the document level to identify topics that have likely generated the corpus.


  • Randomly assign each word in each document to one of the K topics.
  • For each document d:
    • Assume all the topic assignments except the current one are correct

    • Calculate two proportions:

      • The proportion of words in document d that are currently assigned to topic t
      • The proportion of assignments to topic t over all documents that come from this word.
    • Multiply the two proportions and assign w a new topic based on that probability.

  • Eventually, a state would be reached where assignments make sense.

LDA Pros vs Cons


  • Has been shown to produce good results over main domains
  • Effective, easy to understand tool.


  • Must know the number of topics K in advance (something that I struggled with in this project creating my own dataset) I would be forced to estimate a good number of topics for my needs.
  • Topic distribution cannot capture correlations among topics which makes it hard for me to group topics together as one. For example, linked lists and arrays are hard for me to group as simple computer science.
  • In my experience, it is a very tedious process discovering the optimal number of topics. There is not a very good explanation on the best way to determine the number of topics.

Topic Modelling vs Topic Classification

Or LDA vs Neural Network

Difference between identify one topic vs classify one topic

Originally, when working on this project I was under the impression I would use text classification and a neural network. However, I soon realized that this would be ineffective, based on the fact that despite having a defined set of topics I would want to have returned, I would not have any idea of the input text. Since I would have no idea what text or what subject the text inputted into the model would be, it would make more sense for me to try and extract the topic from any text instead of trying to classify an endless text from an endless amount of topics. If I was developing my model to be more niche in one subject, a neural network would help improve my accuracy.


Import Dataset

In my case, I am importing a Simple Wikipedia Dataset I already preprocessed from the XML file dump Wikipedia has publicly available. Parsing code available in


The steps we need to do to preprocess our data is as follows:

  • Tokenization:
    • Words with less than 3 characters must be removed. (Helps clear random words that may provide noise in the classifier)
  • All stop words are removed: Stop words are commonly used words like the, a, an, in that the classifier needs to be programmed to ignore to help keep noise levels in the classifier minimal.
  • Capitalization: Lowercase all the data
  • Stemming: Remove suffixes from words.
  • Lemmatization: Words in the third person are changed to first person and verbs in past and future tenses are changed to present.
  • Vectorization: Convert words to vectors. Machine Learning can only read numbers so we must translate it to numbers.
    • Types of vectorization includes:
      • Bag of words (the technology used in this project)
      • TFIDF
      • Word2Vec
      • GloVe


Bag of Words Now we can vectorize the data: Vectorization is converting the words to numbers.

Bag-of-words is a representation of text that describes the occurrence of words in a document. Containing the following:

  1. A vocabulary of known words.
  2. A measure of the presence of known words.

It is called bag of words because information about order or structure is discarded and the model is simply concerned whether words occur in the document and not where it appears in the document.


Below, we execute the LDA on our corpus.

First, we assign bow_corpus to the bag of words version of the document. This step converts the document which is a list of words into bag of words.

Running the Model

Parameters of gensim.models.LdaMulticode

bow_corpus = bag of words docs file

num_topics = the number of topics we want to get from our corpus.

id2word = dictionary created above

passes = number of passes through corpus during training

iterations = max number of iterations through the corpus when inferring topic distribution of a corpus

workers = number of worker processed to be used for parallelization

More information can be found here:

Load into a pickle file to cache model and not need to rerun every time separately.

Selecting Parameters: In my case, I was limited in time to experiment with tweaking all of the parameters, in the future instead of choosing something random and experimenting quickly to see what worked the best I will try and graph my results to see the best parameters that give me the most accurate results. Passing in an unseen document to the classifier and having no conclusive way to get the optimal number of topics makes it a pain to tweak the parameters and becomes a game of trial and error. I ended up making this classifier with 350 topics and model2.pkl with 1000 topics and I am looking into experimenting with them to see what is more effective.

Testing with 1000 topics experiment can be found in /1000 topics testing


Natural Language Processing LDA model designed to extract topics trained on 70, 000 articles from Simple Wikipedia.






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