to (705) 710-3709
Our server is written in JavaScript and ran on Node.
We use Twilio to coordiante SMS sending and receiving.
RapidAPI is used in conjunction with bing web search to get results for a search on the internet.
We use docker to containerize our app. Containerization allows us to streamline our deployment process.
Our Node backend is deployed on Google Cloud using Google Cloud Run.
We also use Google Cloud's Secret Manager so that we don't expose our API keys.
We use a nodataa.tech domain internally. Our domain is registered with domain.com.
Docker build -t . nodata
Docker run -p 3000:3000 nodata
Send your requests to localhost:3000.
You probably won't need anything here. But we've left it so that you can see our local development process.
npm ci
npx nodemon index.js
Install ngrok, and follow their instructions for serving your local app to the internet. Keep in mind that the app is running on port 3000.
You're going to need a Twilio account to set this up, then follow the steps below.
- Add a phone number for your acount.
- Make sure to get a phone number that you can actually text. Our friend Geordy originally set us up with a U.S. phone number. We will not be participating in another hackathon with him.
- Configure the phone number to send a Webhook to
. Make sure it's a POST request.
Unless you're set up to use our Google Cloud Secrets Manager, you'll need to create your own RapidAPI key to be able to search the web.
Enter this api key in the options
object in src/bing-search.js
And that's it! You're done setting up for local development.