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🌈 Generate your Ecto contexts using this macro and eliminate boilerplate

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Contextual provides a macro that will generate your Ecto contexts for you.

Imagine you have a schema called MyApp.Posts.Post. Typically, you'd create a context to encapsulate Ecto access for creating, updating, and deleting posts.

You could use the built-in Phoenix generators to solve this problem, but then you're left with a bunch of boilerplate code that distracts the reader from the actual complexity in your contexts.

Instead, use Contextual and delete a bunch of boilerplate code. Or not, it's entirely your decision.


The package can be installed by adding contextual to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:contextual, "~> 1.0.0"}]

Documentation can be found at


Contextual requires three options:

  • :name - A tuple of {:singular, :plural} naming for your resource.
  • :schema - An Ecto.Schema
  • :repo - An Ecto.Repo

Here's what your context might look like:

defmodule MyApp.Posts do
  use Contextual,
    name: {:post, :posts},
    schema: MyApp.Posts.Post,
    repo: MyApp.Repo

MyApp.Posts now has the following functions:

alias MyApp.Posts
alias MyApp.Posts.Post

import Ecto.Query

# List a collection
posts = Posts.list_posts()
posts = Posts.list_posts(from(p in Post, where: p.title == "Meatloaf"))

# Get a record by ID
post = Posts.get_post(19)
post = Posts.get_post!(19)
{:ok, post} = Posts.fetch_post(19)

# Get a record by attributes
post = Posts.get_post_by(title: "Meatloaf")
post = Posts.get_post_by!(title: "Meatloaf")
{:ok, post} = Posts.fetch_post_by(title: "Meatloaf")

# Create a changeset for a given post
changeset = Posts.change_post()
changeset = Posts.change_post(post)
changeset = Posts.change_post(%{title: "Meatloaf"})
changeset = Posts.change_post(post, %{title: "Meatloaf"})

# Create a post
{:ok, post} = Posts.create_post(%{title: "Meatloaf"})
post = Posts.create_post!(%{title: "Meatloaf"})

# Update a post
{:ok, post} = Posts.update_post(post, %{title: "Meatloaf"})
post = Posts.update_post!(post, %{title: "Meatloaf"})

# Delete a post
{:ok, post} = Posts.delete_post(post)
post = Posts.delete_post!(post)

Choosing which functions are generated

That seems reasonable. If you only wanted to define get_post, you can provide the :only option.

defmodule MyApp.Posts do
  use Contextual,
    name: {:post, :posts},
    schema: MyApp.Posts.Post,
    repo: MyApp.Repo,
    only: [:get]

Similarly, Contextual provides an :except option, which is basically just the opposite of :only.

Customizing function names

Contextual allows you to choose how your functions are named by using a name generator.

First, create a module that will serve as a name generator:

defmodule MyApp.ContextNaming do
  def generate_name(:list, {_singular, plural}) do

  def generate_name(:get, {singular, _plural}) do

  def generate_name(_, _), do: :default

The generate_name/2 function must return an atom. If the function returns :default, Contextual will fallback to the default naming convention.

Next, you'll need to configure your context to use your name generator:

defmodule MyApp.Posts do
  use Contextual,
    name: {:post, :posts},
    schema: MyApp.Posts.Post,
    repo: MyApp.Repo,
    name_generator: {MyApp.ContextNaming, :generate_name}

Now, you'll have all_posts instead of list_posts and find_post instead of get_post.


Contextual will automatically generate documentation and typespecs for thefunctions that it defines. However, it expects your schema to have a type t defined.

To get the typespecs working properly, you'll need to define that type on your schema:

defmodule MyApp.Posts.Post do
  # ...
  @type t :: %__MODULE__{}


The tests run against PostgreSQL. The test command will setup a test database for you.

To run the tests, just run:

$ mix test


🌈 Generate your Ecto contexts using this macro and eliminate boilerplate







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