A bunch of data for your Spotify music library
Quick description of approach:
Rest api written in express js, node, mongoose and a few miscellaneous libs
Front end written in backbone, jQuery, and templating done in handlebars
##Installation instructions
Make sure you have mongodb installed.
In one terminal window run: (if on windows make sure your mongodb directory is in you path)
Supports only chrome as of now.
In another window, run:
$npm install
$npm start
Currently its going to start in dev mode with nodemon, so make sure you have that installed with the command:
$npm install -g nodemon
Otherwise just modify package.json to your liking and ask me any questions about setting it up in case I forgot something.
##Authentication Flow
Since there is a need to validate all api calls in the app, my current solution to see if requests to api are authorized is:
- In the client side, the user goes through the Spotify Web Api authorization flow, returning a authorization code.
- Using this, the client side sends two things to the Felice api: the spotify access token and the local access token (if the auth token is valid)
- If invalid, 401 is issued
- Users with elevated api access (admins) are (in a nutshell) supported through a list of white listed user profiles
- Hopefully this does not have any major vulnerabilities. 😿
##API Documentation
Endpoint | HTTP Req | Auth required | Result |
{root}/api/artists | GET | Standard | List of artists |
{root}/api/artists/:artistId | GET | Standard | Get artist |
PUT | Standard | Update/Create artist | |
DELETE | Admin | Delete artist | |
{root}/api/users | GET | Standard | List of users |
{root}/api/artists/:userId | GET | Standart | Get user |
PUT | Standard | Update/Create user | |
DELETE | Admin | Delete user | |
{root}/api/tracks | GET | Standard | List of tracks |
{root}/api/artists/:trackId | GET | Standard | Get track |
PUT | Standard | Update/Create track | |
DELETE | Admin | Delete track | |
{root}/authenticate | POST w/ authentication code | Standard | Returns jwt |
Standard Auth: felice issued JSON web token, all requests must contain jwt in body in the property 'token' in order to be authenticated.