- function/class names should specify the exact functinality.
- Place common function in utils folder in respective file to use it any where.
- Always modularize and never write longer function, modularize them to be readable and maintainable.
- Create respective type interfaces every where to avoid unnecessary errors.
- Use **.d.ts for interface or type related files.
- Always make sure the code is clean without any warnings.
- Always creating newer modules in typescript instead of plain old javascript (.tsx for React components, .ts for helpers, utils etc..).
- Avoid creating new class components. Use functional component instead and for managing a lifecycle and state use a hook or prefer create a custom hook.
- Use
for functional components to prevent re-renders. You can also use its second parameter to stop unwanted state changes from affecting your component. - Avoid mutating any kind of state. Avoid JavaScript APIs that mutate a given variable.
- Use a combination of useApi (custom hook need to be added) and custom contexts to fetch and exchange data.
- Prefer SCSS modules over CSS and avoid style component.
- Try to use storybooks for UI review of components
- Avoid prop-drilling. Use contexts instead.
- Do not import 'lodash' directly. Import the function you need. Eg
import get from 'lodash/get';
- If you want to render some component conditionally, don't write conditions inside render method of the parent component, move the condition inside the child component.
- Avoid nested ternary or switch. Use Object Literal instead. Ref:
- Always add/update/modify the unit test for the components. Ref:
- Always add/update/modify the unit test for the components(jest or mocha). Ref:
- For New route create in server/src/routes/v1/ in the respective dashboard or app file and add the respective auth middleware
- Create new Route name only when we cannot change and reuse existing routes
- Never hard code strings place them in enums
- Write all the business in controller and DB logic in db/dal in the resective files
- Error handling should be every where with correct Ui related messages. put try catch in controller to avoid server crashes.
- prefer throwing an error rather than returning to avoid handling them.
- Add logs in all cathces and respective requests for effective debugging.
- Refer
for more best practices. - Whenever any new apis or api modification happen do the same in sawagger apis docs. Ref: