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  bj (migration_code|generate_migration|migrate|setup|plugin|run|submit|list|set|config|pid) [options]+

  Backgroundjob (Bj) is a brain dead simple zero admin background priority queue
  for Rails.  Bj is robust, platform independent (including windows), and
  supports internal or external manangement of the background runner process.
  Jobs can be submitted to the queue directly using the api or from the command
  line using the ./script/bj:
      Bj.submit 'cat /etc/password'
    command line:
      bj submit cat /etc/password
  Bj's priority queue lives in the database and is therefore durable - your jobs
  will live across an app crash or machine reboot.  The job management is
  comprehensive capturing stdout, stderr, exit_status, and temporal statistics
  about each job:
    jobs = Bj.submit array_of_commands, :priority => 42
    jobs.each do |job|
      if job.finished?
        p job.stdout
        p job.stderr
        p job.exit_status
        p job.started_at
        p job.finished_at
  In addition the background runner process logs all commands run and their
  exit_status to a log named using the following convention:
    rails_root/log/bj.#{ HOSTNAME }.#{ RAILS_ENV }.log
  Bj allows you to submit jobs to multiple databases; for instance, if your
  application is running in development mode you may do: :production do
      Bj.submit 'my_job.exe'
  Bj manages the ever growing list of jobs ran by automatically archiving them
  into another table (by default jobs > 24 hrs old are archived) to prevent the
  jobs table from becoming bloated and huge.
  All Bj's tables are namespaced and accessible via the Bj module:
    Bj.table.job.find(:all)         # jobs table
    Bj.table.job_archive.find(:all) # archived jobs
    Bj.table.config.find(:all)      # configuration and runner state
  Bj always arranges for submitted jobs to run with a current working directory
  of RAILS_ROOT and with the correct RAILS_ENV setting.  For example, if you
  submit a job in production it will have ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'production'.
  When Bj manages the background runner it will never outlive the rails
  application - it is started and stopped on demand as the rails app is started
  and stopped.  This is also true for ./script/console - Bj will automatically
  fire off the background runner to process jobs submitted using the console.
  Bj ensures that only one background process is running for your application -
  firing up three mongrels or fcgi processes will result in only one background
  runner being started.  Note that the number of background runners does not
  determine throughput - that is determined primarily by the nature of the jobs
  themselves and how much work they perform per process.
  If one ignores platform specific details the design of Bj is quite simple: the
  main Rails application submits jobs to table, stored in the database.  The act
  of submitting triggers exactly one of two things to occur:
    1) a new long running background runner to be started
    2) an existing background runner to be signaled
  The background runner refuses to run two copies of itself for a given
  hostname/rails_env combination.  For example you may only have one background
  runner processing jobs on localhost in development mode.
  The background runner, under normal circumstances, is managed by Bj itself -
  you need do nothing to start, monitor, or stop it - it just works.  However,
  some people will prefer manage their own background process, see 'External
  Runner' section below for more on this.
  The runner simply processes each job in a highest priority oldest-in fashion,
  capturing stdout, stderr, exit_status, etc. and storing the information back
  into the database while logging it's actions.  When there are no jobs to run
  the runner goes to sleep for 42 seconds; however this sleep is interuptable,
  such as when the runner is signaled that a new job has been submitted so,
  under normal circumstances there will be zero lag between job submission and
  job running for an empty queue.
  External Runner / Clustering
  For the paranoid control freaks out there (myself included) it is quite
  possible to manage and monitor the runner process manually.  This can be
  desirable in production setups where monitoring software may kill leaking
  rails apps periodically.
  Recalling that Bj will only allow one copy of itself to process jobs per
  hostname/rails_env pair we can simply do something like this in cron
    cmd = bj run --forever \
                 --rails_env=development \
    */15 * * * * $cmd 
  this will simply attempt the start the background runner every 15 minutes if,
  and only if, it's not *already* running.
  In addtion to this you'll want to tell Bj not to manage the runner itself
    Bj.config["production.no_tickle"] = true
  Note that, for clusting setups, it's as simple as adding a crontab and config
  entry like this for each host.  Because Bj throttles background runners per
  hostname this will allow one runner per hostname - making it quite simple to
  cluster three nodes behind a besieged rails application.
  Designing Jobs
  Bj runs it's jobs as command line applications.  It ensures that all jobs run
  in RAILS_ROOT so it's quite natural to apply a pattern such as
    mkdir ./jobs
    edit ./jobs/background_job_to_run
    Bj.submit "./jobs/background_job_to_run"
  If you need to run you jobs under an entire rails environment you'll need to
  do this:
    Bj.submit "./script/runner ./jobs/background_job_to_run"
  Obviously "./script/runner" loads the rails environment for you.  It's worth
  noting that this happens for each job and that this is by design: the reason
  is that most rails applications leak memory like a sieve so, if one were to
  spawn a long running process that used the application code base you'd have a
  lovely doubling of memory usage on you app servers.  Although loading the
  rails environment for each background job requires a little time, a little
  cpu, and a lot less memory.  A future version of Bj will provide a way to load
  the rails environment once and to process background jobs in this environment,
  but anyone wanting to use this in production will be required to duct tape
  their entire chest and have a team of oxen rip off the tape without screaming
  to prove steelyness of spirit and profound understanding of the other side.
  Don't forget that you can submit jobs with command line arguments:
    Bj.submit "./jobs/a.rb 1 foobar --force" 
  and that you can do powerful things by passing stdin to a job that powers
  through a list of work.  For instance, assume a "./jobs/bulkmail" job
    STDIN.each do |line|
      address = line.strip
      mail_message_to address
  then you could
    stdin = [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
    Bj.submit "./script/runner ./jobs/bulkmail", :stdin => stdin
  and all those emails would be sent in the background.
  Bj's power is putting jobs in the background in a simple and robust fashion.
  It's your task to build intelligent jobs that leverage batch processing, and
  other, possibilities.  The upshot of building tasks this way is that they are
  quite easy to test before submitting them from inside your application.
    Bj can be installed two ways: as a plugin or via rubygems
        1) ./script/plugin install
        2) ./script/bj setup
        1) $sudo gem install bj
        2) add "require 'bj'" to config/environment.rb
        3) bj setup
  submit jobs for background processing.  'jobs' can be a string or array of
  strings.  options are applied to each job in the 'jobs', and the list of
  submitted jobs is always returned.  options (string or symbol) can be
    :rails_env => production|development|key_in_database_yml 
                  when given this keyword causes bj to submit jobs to the
                  specified database.  default is RAILS_ENV.
    :priority => any number, including negative ones.  default is zero.
    :tag => a tag added to the job.  simply makes searching easier.
    :env => a hash specifying any additional environment vars the background
            process should have.
    :stdin => any stdin the background process should have.  must respond_to
    jobs = Bj.submit 'echo foobar', :tag => 'simple job'
    jobs = Bj.submit '/bin/cat', :stdin => 'in the hat', :priority => 42
    jobs = Bj.submit './script/runner ./scripts/a.rb', :rails_env => 'production'
    jobs = Bj.submit './script/runner /dev/stdin',
                     :stdin => 'p RAILS_ENV',
                     :tag => 'dynamic ruby code'
    jobs Bj.submit array_of_commands, :priority => 451 
  when jobs are run, they are run in RAILS_ROOT.  various attributes are
  available *only* once the job has finished.  you can check whether or not a
  job is finished by using the #finished method, which simple does a reload and
  checks to see if the exit_status is non-nil.
      jobs = Bj.submit list_of_jobs, :tag => 'important'
      jobs.each do |job|
        if job.finished?
          p job.exit_status
          p job.stdout
          p job.stderr
  See lib/bj/api.rb for more details.
  --------------------------------      <<-- (targeted marketing aimed at *you*)

  --rails_root=rails_root, -R (0 ~> rails_root=) 
      the rails_root will be guessed unless you set this 
  --rails_env=rails_env, -E (0 ~> rails_env=development) 
      set the rails_env 
  --log=log, -l (0 ~> log=STDERR) 
      set the logfile 
  --help, -h 

  [email protected]



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