- Download munin-pihole-plugins
curl -sSL munin-pihole-plugins.sainternet.xyz -o munin-pihole-plugins && chmod +x munin-pihole-plugins
- Download munin-pihole-plugins
curl -sSL munin-pihole-plugins-dev.sainternet.xyz -o munin-pihole-plugins && chmod +x munin-pihole-plugins
- Install munin-pihole-plugins
./munin-pihole-plugins --install
Dependencies are checked and met automatically using dpkg-query
and apt
respectively. A copy of the munin-pihole-plugins
script will be installed on the host in /usr/local/bin
by default. The munin-pihole-plugins script directory can be configured, or the munin-pihole-plugins
script installation may be disabled entirely.
- Wait, around five minutes
While graphs are generated by the Munin master on demand, Munin nodes run their plugins periodically, by default at 5 minute intervals past the hour.
- Navigate to
in a browser to view the Munin monitoring interface
- About, Configuration, Advanced In/Uninstall, Example Graph Gallery, Help, Contact & more
Full documentation for munin-pihole-plugins
can now be found in the munin-pihole-plugins wiki.
![Using the spikes on its rear end, Wurmple peels the bark off trees and feeds on the sap that oozes out. This Pokémon's feet are tipped with suction pads that allow it to cling to glass without slipping.](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/saint-lascivious/munin-pihole-plugins/images/mascot/Wurmple.png)
munin-pihole-plugins - saint-lascivious (Hayden Pearce), ©2022