A statically typed, general-purpose programming language, crafted for simplicity and performance.
"Trust the programmer" - corx
This project aims to create a fully hand-crafted compiler, written from scratch.
is a simple, efficient programming language designed for systems-level programming with a focus on manual memory management and minimalistic syntax. With corx
, you have full control over system resources, offering maximum performance and clarity, without the overhead of complex language features. Whether you're developing performance-critical applications or need a low-level language with modern features like contract-based design, corx
is built to meet those needs.
Explore the documentation and learn how corx
can help you write clean, efficient, and performance-driven code.
- Create initial lexer
- Recognize different tokens
- Track line and column for every token
- Handle different comment types
- Handle undefined tokens
- Error reporting
- Testing
- Create initial parser
- Context-free grammar (CFG), EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form)
- Implement recursive descent parsing
- Eliminate left-recursion
- Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
- Error handling
- Error reporting
- Testing
- REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop)
is currently under development. Its syntax and grammar are being finalized. The language design is still in progress, and a compiler has not yet been implemented.