FRExtensions is a library of additional extensions for Kotlin Android.
You should create a GitHub personal access token to read the GitHub packages in your Android project.
- Open your personal GitHub account.
- Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal access tokens -> Generate new token
- Generate a new token. Scopes would be selected "read:packages" only.
- You should keep the created token.
In your Android project, open the Gradle file (.gradle or .gradle.kts) of the root and add the following settings.
is your GitHub account name and ACCESS_TOKEN
is the token you created above.
repositories {
// Add this settings.
maven {
url = uri("")
credentials {
username = "ACCOUNT_NAME"
password = "ACCESS_TOKEN"
Open the Gradle file of the module and add the following dependency, then sync your project with Gradle.
The library will be installed in your project.
Release notes are available here.
A latest version can be read witch written with Kdoc formats.
Old versions are available from Assets of the past releases.
This license is Apache License 2.0.
Please read Memos for Developers.