- 🛠 I design and build solutions that inspire.
- 🌱 Lifelong learner, always exploring new challenges.
- 🎯 Focused on clean, functional, and user-friendly design.
💻 Build. Create. Innovate.
💻 Build. Create. Innovate.
Auction Hub is a modern web application that allows users to explore, create, and participate in auctions seamlessly. Users can bid on items, post their own auctions, and manage their activities th…
The DotNet Ecommerce API is a RESTful web service built using ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, and Microsoft Identity. It serves as the backend for an ecommerce application, providing endpoints…
Welcome to my portfolio site! This is a modern, sleek, and fully responsive website built with Next.js 14 and powered by Sanity.io for efficient content management. It showcases my professional jou…
This project demonstrates a Minimal API implementation following the Vertical Slice Architecture (VSA) and CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) pattern. It includes features such as vali…
C# 1
"My Organizer" is a comprehensive project management application built with a MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js). It offers a seamless experience for managing projects and tasks, ens…
An AI tool designed to provide concise summaries and extract crucial information from any text or article.