IESetupHelper is Windows shared library intended for use in InnoSetup or other setup packages. It contains helper functions including functions for automatic/manual closing of IE prior to the installation and wiping of IE virtualized registry key.
Functions of the library can be called from iss script after including iesetuphelper\helpercode.isi in the [Code] section of the script:
[Code] #include "iesetuphelper\helpercode.isi"
The file contains two definitions for each exported funciton, one for use during installation phase when the dll is extracted into a temporary directory and second suffixed Uninst to be used during uninstallation. To use the dll in both installation and uninstallation you must install it into the {app} directory:
[Files] Source: "iesetuphelper.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
During deinstallation the library is loaded dynamically. To delete it successfully from the system when it is not needed anymore call