A tool that aids in the migration of sets of Salt modules out of Salt core into a Salt extension.
Please see the salt-extension-copier docs for details, especially the extraction guide.
usage: saltext-migrate [-h] [-m [MATCH ...]] [-i INCLUDE] [-e EXCLUDE] [-b BASE_BRANCH] [--purge-reset]
[--avoid-collisions] [-d DATA_FILE] [-y]
Migrate modules out of Salt core into an extension.
positional arguments:
saltext_name The name of the Salt extension to create (without `saltext` prefix!). Example: vault
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m [MATCH ...], --match [MATCH ...]
Instead of using the Salt extension name for finding paths, use this string. Can be specified
multiple times
-i INCLUDE, --include INCLUDE
Include these path globs in the migration. Can be specified multiple times.
-e EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
Exclude these path globs in the migration. Can be specified multiple times.
-b BASE_BRANCH, --base-branch BASE_BRANCH
The Salt core branch the modules should be extracted from. Usually, the modules to migrate have
been removed from `master` already and thus don't receive any updates there. If any fixes are
merged, they end up in the `3006.x` and `3007.x` branches. This allows to specify the branch
the module are extracted from. Defaults to `3007.x`.
--purge-reset When extracting modules from the `master` branch, reset the repository to one commit before the
great module purge. This is necessary when extracting purged (!) modules from the `master`
branch instead of the `3006.x` or `3007.x` ones. Ensure you have a good reason to do so.
--avoid-collisions When renaming paths, avoid collisions. This can be important when both pytests and non-pytests
of the same type were present together at some point in Salt's history. Will result in the
files names being suffixed with _old (non-pytest) and _pytest respectively
-d DATA_FILE, --data-file DATA_FILE
A YAML file providing defaults for Copier template questions. Handy when migrating many
modules. For available questions, see https://salt-extensions.github.io/salt-extension-
-y, --yes Assume yes on all questions. Makes the migration non-interactive. In case you did not provide a
data-file with custom default answers, you need to update some answers to the Copier template
afterwards (especially author metadata)