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AISOLA23 code, medminst3d verification
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mldiego committed Oct 17, 2023
1 parent 4821280 commit bc9c65e
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Showing 59,321 changed files with 3,957 additions and 26 deletions.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion code/nnv/engine/nn/layers/AveragePooling3DLayer.m
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Expand Up @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ function set_padding(obj, padding)
% @y: high-dimensional array (output volume), depth of output = number of filters

x = dlarray(input, "SSSC");
x = dlarray(input, "SSSCB");
y = avgpool(x, obj.PoolSize, 'Stride', obj.Stride, 'Padding', obj.PaddingSize);
y = extractdata(y);

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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion code/nnv/engine/nn/layers/BatchNormalizationLayer.m
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% date: 1/7/2020

n = length(in_images);
if isa(in_images(n), 'ImageStar')
if isa(in_images(n), 'VolumeStar')
images(n) = VolumeStar;
elseif isa(in_images(n), 'ImageStar')
images(n) = ImageStar;
images(n) = Star;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion code/nnv/engine/nn/layers/Conv3DLayer.m
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Expand Up @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ function set_name(obj, name)
% compute output sets
c = dlconv(dlarray(input.V(:,:,:,:,1), "SSSC"), obj.Weights, obj.Bias, 'Stride', obj.Stride, 'Padding', obj.PaddingSize, 'DilationFactor', obj.DilationFactor);
V = dlconv(dlarray(input.V(:,:,:,:,2:input.numPred + 1), "SSSCB"), obj.Weights, 0, 'Stride', obj.Stride, 'Padding', obj.PaddingSize, 'DilationFactor', obj.DilationFactor);
Y = cat(4, extractdata(c), extractdata(V));
Y = cat(5, extractdata(c), extractdata(V));
S = VolumeStar(Y, input.C, input.d, input.pred_lb, input.pred_ub);

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions code/nnv/engine/nn/layers/FlattenLayer.m
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% author: Dung Tran
% date: 6/9/2020

if isa(in_set, 'ImageStar') || ~isa(in_set, 'ImageZono')
if isa(in_set, 'ImageStar') || isa(in_set, 'ImageZono')
N = in_set.height*in_set.width*in_set.numChannel;
n = in_set.numPred;
V(1, 1, :, in_set.numPred + 1) = zeros(N, 1);
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elseif isa(inputs(1), 'ImageZono')
S(n) = ImageZono;
elseif isa(inputs(1), 'VolumeStar')
S(n) = VolumeStar;
S(n) = Star; % convert to Star as we move to a 2D set
error('Unknown input data set');
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11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion code/nnv/engine/nn/layers/FullyConnectedLayer.m
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% update: add support for sequence evaluation (neuralode, RNN)
% -date: 03/17/2023 (Diego Manzanas)

x = squeeze(x); % remove higher dimensions of 1
n = size(x);
if length(n) == 2
x = reshape(x, [n(1)*n(2) 1]);
elseif length(n) == 3
x = reshape(x, [n(1)*n(2)*n(3) 1]);
elseif length(n) == 4
x = reshape(x, [n(1)*n(2)*n(3)*n(4) 1]);
error('Invalid input');

if size(x, 1) ~= size(obj.Weights, 2)
error('Inconsistent input vector')
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76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions code/nnv/examples/NN/medmnist/verify_3D_multipleAttacks.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
%% Verify all possible 3D classification models for medmnist data

medmnist_path = "data/mat_files/"; % path to data

datasets = dir(medmnist_path+"*.mat");

for i=1:length(datasets)

if endsWith(datasets(i).name, "3d.mat")

% get current dataset to verify
dataset = medmnist_path + datasets(i).name;

try % verification

disp("Begin verification of " + datasets(i).name);

% Load data

% data to verify (test set)
test_images = permute(test_images, [2 3 4 5 1]);
test_labels = test_labels + 1;

% load network
matlabNet = net;
net = matlab2nnv(net);

% adversarial attacks
names = ["dark";"bright"];
max_pixels = [50;100;200];
noise_vals = [1;2;3];

% select volumes to verify
N = 200;
inputs = test_images(:,:,:,:,1:N);
targets = test_labels(1:N);

% Initialize results
results = zeros(2, N, length(names), length(max_pixels), length(noise_vals));

% verify volumes with all attack combos
for a=1:length(names)
for b=1:length(max_pixels)
for c=1:length(noise_vals)
% create attack from variables
adv_attack = struct;
adv_attack.Name = names(a);
adv_attack.max_pixels = max_pixels(b);
adv_attack.noise_de = noise_vals(c);
if strcmp(names(a),'dark')
adv_attack.threshold = 150;
elseif strcmp(names(a), 'bright')
adv_attack.threshold = 100;
% Compute verification
results(:,:,a,b,c) = verify_medmnist3d(net, inputs, targets, adv_attack);

% save results
save("results/verification_multipleAttacks_"+datasets(i).name, "results");

catch ME



34 changes: 26 additions & 8 deletions code/nnv/examples/NN/medmnist/verify_all_3D.m
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Expand Up @@ -29,22 +29,40 @@
net = matlab2nnv(net);

% adversarial attack
adv_attack = struct;
adv_attack.Name = "linf";
adv_attack.epsilon = 1; % {epsilon} color values
% adv_attack.max_pixels = 784; % Max number of pixels to modify from input image
adv_attack.max_pixels = 1; % Max number of pixels to modify from input image
attack_option = 'bright'; % default (darkening attack)
switch attack_option
case 'linf'
adv_attack = struct;
adv_attack.Name = "linf";
adv_attack.epsilon = 1; % {epsilon} color values
% adv_attack.max_pixels = 784; % Max number of pixels to modify from input image
adv_attack.max_pixels = 1; % Max number of pixels to modify from input image
case 'dark'
adv_attack = struct;
adv_attack.Name = "dark";
adv_attack.threshold = 150; % perturb pixels over this value
adv_attack.max_pixels = 50; % Max number of pixels to modify from input image
adv_attack.noise_de = 1; % disturbance (noise) on pixels
case 'bright'
adv_attack = struct;
adv_attack.Name = "bright";
adv_attack.threshold = 100; % perturb pixels below this value
adv_attack.max_pixels = 50; % Max number of pixels to modify from input image
adv_attack.noise_de = 1; % disturbance (noise) on pixels
error("Wrong attack");

% select volumes to verify
N = 5;
N = 200;
inputs = test_images(:,:,:,:,1:N);
targets = test_labels(1:N);

% verify volumes
results = verify_medmnist3d(net, matlabNet, inputs, targets, adv_attack);
results = verify_medmnist3d(net, inputs, targets, adv_attack);

% save results
save("results/verification_"+datasets(i).name, "results", "adv_attack");
save("results/verification_"+adv_attack.Name+"_"+datasets(i).name, "results", "adv_attack");

% print results to screen
disp("======= ROBUSTNESS RESULTS ==========")
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122 changes: 111 additions & 11 deletions code/nnv/examples/NN/medmnist/verify_medmnist3d.m
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
function results = verify_medmnist3d(net, matlabNet, inputs, targets, attack, max_value, min_value)
function results = verify_medmnist3d(net, inputs, targets, attack, max_value, min_value)
% verify medmnist with inputs (input images), targets (labels) and attack
% (struct with adversarial attack info)
% results = verify_medmnist(net, matlabNet, inputs, targets, attack, max_value*, min_value*)
Expand All @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
if strcmp(attack.Name, 'linf')
epsilon = attack.epsilon;
max_pixels = attack.max_pixels;
elseif strcmp(attack.Name, 'dark') || strcmp(attack.Name, 'bright')
max_pixels = attack.max_pixels;
threshold = attack.threshold;
noise_disturbance = attack.noise_de;
error("Adversarial attack not supported.");
Expand All @@ -31,7 +35,7 @@
% Define reachability parameters
reachOptions = struct;
reachOptions.reachMethod = 'approx-star';
reachOptions.dis_opt = 'display';
% reachOptions.dis_opt = 'display';

% Evaluate all images
for i = 1:N
Expand All @@ -43,7 +47,14 @@

% Create set of volume images
vol = inputs(:,:,:,:,i);
I = L_inf_attack(vol, epsilon, max_pixels, max_value, min_value);
% Choose attack
if strcmp(attack.Name,'linf')
I = L_inf_attack(vol, epsilon, max_pixels, max_value, min_value);
elseif strcmp(attack.Name, 'dark')
I = dark_attack(vol, max_pixels, threshold, noise_disturbance);
elseif strcmp(attack.Name, 'bright')
I = bright_attack(vol, max_pixels, threshold, noise_disturbance);

t = tic; % start timer

Expand All @@ -58,24 +69,31 @@

% Check for falsification with upper and lower bounds
yUpper = net.evaluate(I.vol_ub);
[~, yUpper] = max(yUpper);
yLower = net.evaluate(I.vol_lb);
[~, yLower] = max(yLower);
if yUpper ~= targets(i) || yLower ~= targets(i)
results(1,i) = 0; % not robust
results(2,i) = toc(t);
if strcmp(attack.Name,'linf')
yUpper = net.evaluate(I.vol_ub);
[~, yUpper] = max(yUpper);
yLower = net.evaluate(I.vol_lb);
[~, yLower] = max(yLower);
if yUpper ~= targets(i) || yLower ~= targets(i)
results(1,i) = 0; % not robust
results(2,i) = toc(t);
% disp("TODO: Add some sampling from the initial set to check for falsification.")

% Compute reachability for verification
results(1,i) = net.verify_robustness(I, reachOptions, targets(i));
results(2,i) = toc(t);
% disp(" ");



%% Helper Functions
% Return a VolumeStar of an Linf attack
function I = L_inf_attack(vol, epsilon, max_pixels, max_value, min_value)
volSize = size(vol);
Expand All @@ -88,3 +106,85 @@
I = VolumeStar(single(lb), single(ub)); % default: single (assume onnx input models)

% Return a VolumeStar of a drkening attack on a few pixels
function I = dark_attack(vol, max_pixels, threshold, noise_disturbance)

% Initialize vars
ct = 0; % keep track of pixels modified
flag = 0; % determine when to stop modifying pixels
vol = single(vol);
at_vol = vol;

% Create darkening attack
for i=1:size(vol,1)
for j=1:size(vol,2)
for k=1:size(vol,3)
if vol(i,j,k) > threshold
at_vol(i,j,k) = 0;
ct = ct + 1;
if ct >= max_pixels
flag = 1;
if flag == 1
if flag == 1

% Define input set as VolumeStar
dif_vol = vol - at_vol;
noise = -dif_vol;
V(:,:,:,:,1) = vol; % center of set
V(:,:,:,:,2) = noise; % basis vectors
C = [1; -1]; % constraints
d = [255; noise_disturbance-255];
I = VolumeStar(V, C, d, 255-noise_disturbance, 255); % input set


% Return a VolumeStar of a brightening attack on a few pixels
function I = bright_attack(vol, max_pixels, threshold, noise_disturbance)

% Initialize vars
ct = 0; % keep track of pixels modified
flag = 0; % determine when to stop modifying pixels
vol = single(vol);
at_vol = vol;

% Create brightening attack
for i=1:size(vol,1)
for j=1:size(vol,2)
for k=1:size(vol,3)
if vol(i,j,k) < threshold
at_vol(i,j,k) = 1;
ct = ct + 1;
if ct >= max_pixels
flag = 1;
if flag == 1
if flag == 1

% Define input set as VolumeStar
dif_vol = vol - at_vol;
noise = -dif_vol;
V(:,:,:,:,1) = vol; % center of set
V(:,:,:,:,2) = noise; % basis vectors
C = [1; -1]; % constraints
d = [255; noise_disturbance-255]; % constraints
I = VolumeStar(V, C, d, 255-noise_disturbance, 255); % input set
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