Puppet module to manage deploy keys, for use example in (git clone)/(vcsrepo) actions.
Goal: Store your private keys for secure deploys, avoiding unsafe ssh connections with user/password.
##Example 1: Basic Usage
By default your keys will be stored in schema:
class { "deploy_keys":
key_name => "my_deploy_key",
source => "puppet:///files/.../my_deploy_key",
user => "root"
##Example 2: Defining different base folder in same schema
If you wish, is possible store your keys in other folder, but in the same schema:
class { "deploy_keys":
key_name => "my_deploy_key",
source => "puppet:///files/.../my_deploy_key",
user => "root",
base_folder => "/path/to/my/other/folder",
##Example 3: Define the specific folder to key
To the final example, your keys will be stored simply in "/root/.ssh/id_rsa"
class { "deploy_keys":
key_name => "my_deploy_key",
source => "puppet:///files/.../my_deploy_key",
user => "root",
key_dest => "/root/.ssh/id_rsa"
##Please contribute with us:
- creating your pull request: