############################################################################## This dataset includes field measured data, simulated results, observed and simulated result analysis, and Jupyter notebook code to produce results.
The dataset included following list of files(2) and file folder(4):
before_after_embk_T25_avg_sediment.xlsx:included CAESAR-Lisflood model output comparion (sediment outflux and outflow discharge hydrograph) for a 25-year return period flood before and after the construction of embankments in the study reach.
before_after_embk_T1000_avg_sediment.xlsx:included CAESAR-Lisflood model output comparion (sediment outflux and outflow discharge hydrograph) for a 1000-year return period flood before and after the construction of embankments in the study reach.
figure 6: included following files figure 6.jpg: this is a plot of river channel profiles before and after the river smoothing presented in the manuscript. figure6 longitudial profile.ipynb: this is a Jupyter notebook file to produce the profile plot. figure6_plot.csv: this is data of river profiles.
figure 9: included following files figure 9.jpg: this is a plot of comparison of field observed and simulated sediment erosion and deposition depths used for model validation. figure9 longitudial profile.ipynb: this is a Jupyter notebook file to produce the plot comparing field observed and simulated sediment erosion and deposition. figure9_plot.csv: this is data file with all the field observations and simulated sediment erosion and deposition.
figure 12 and 13:included following folders and files 1. after_embk_T1000_avg_sediment_done: includes after_embk_T1000_avg_sedi.dat: model output for model case of 1000-year return period (YRP) flood after construction of emabnkemnt with sediment. outflow_T100MF.pdf:a plot of sediment outflux for modell case of 1000-YRP flood after construction of emabnkment with sediment. outflow_T100MF.xlsx: classification of sediment grain size distribution of model output for 1000-YRP flood with sediment and embankment.
3. after_embk_T25_avg_sediment_done: includes
after_embk_T25_avg_sedi.dat:model output for model case of 25-YRP flood after construction of emabnkemnt with sediment.
after_embk_T25_avg_sedi.xlsx: classification of sediment grain size distribution of model output for a 25-YRP flood before embankment with sediment.
6. before_embk_T1000_avg_sediment_ds_correction_done: includes
before_embk_T1000_avg_sedi.dat: model output for model case of a 1000-YRP flood before construction of emabnkemnt with sediment.
outflow_T100MF_avg_sedi.xlsx: classification of sediment grain size distribution of model output for a 1000-YRP flood before embankment with sediment.
sediment curve_T25 n T1000_avg_sedi.ipynb: this is a Jupyter notebook file to produce simulated model output figures 12 and 13 presented in the manuscript.
figure 12.jpg: a plot of model output before and after embankment construction cases with sediment for a 25-year max. mid-future (1000-year) flood.
figure 13.jpg: a plot of model output before embankment construction for the cases with sediment for a 25-year and 25-max. mid-future (1000-year) floods.
figure 14, 15, S8 and S9: included following files validation.csv: pre- and post flood river cross-section data for model validation, 25-, and 1000-YRP flood cases. figure 14.jpg: a plot of pre- and post flood river cross-section for section C1, C2, and C3 for model validation, 25-, and 1000-YRP floods. figure 15.jpg: a plot of pre- and post flood river cross-section for section C7, C8, and C9 for model validation, 25-, and 1000-YRP floods. figure S8.jpg: a plot of pre- and post flood river cross-section for section C4, C5, and C6 for model validation, 25-, and 1000-YRP floods. figure S9.jpg: a plot of pre- and post flood river cross-section for section C10, C11, and C12 for model validation, 25-, and 1000-YRP floods. Channel cross-section profile plot-04-12-2023_change_origin.ipynb: this is a Jupyter notebook file to produce figures 14, 15, S8 and S9 presented in the manuscript.
figure 16: included following files figure16_plot.csv: this is data of river coveyance capacity (discharge) observed and simualted for various flood scenarios considered in this research. figure16_plot.jpg: a plot of variation in river conveyance capacity of channel after various flood scenarios. figure16.ipynb: this is a Jupyter notebook code to produce figures 16.