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This action will take an artifact, scp it to a linode, untar it, and execute the deploy command. If the linode does not exist, it will be created and provisioned with the stackscript found in this repo. If the app has any subdomains, an A record for each one will be created and attached to the linode (this will happen on every deploy, so adding subdomains is easy, but it will never destroy A records). After the deploy, if the healthcheck fails, it will attempt to rollback to a previous version.


    name: Deploy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout source
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Create build artifact
        uses: sarink-software/actions-create-build-artifact@main
        id: build

      - name: Deploy to Linode
        uses: sarink-software/actions-deploy-to-linode@main
          app-env: prod
          linode-pat: ${{ secrets.LINODE_PAT }}
          email: [email protected]
          deploy-artifact: ${{ }}
          deploy-command: docker-compose restart
          deploy-user-private-key: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_USER_PRIVATE_KEY }}
          deploy-user-public-key: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_USER_PUBLIC_KEY }}

Required Inputs

app-env: The environment being deployed

linode-pat: A linode personal access token with scopes to read/write Domains and Linodes

linode-label: The label of the linode to deploy to (will be created if it does not exist)

domains: Comma-separated list of domains to connect to the linode (A records will be created for each one)

email: Administrator email address for this linode

deploy-artifact: The name of the github artifact to download and deploy (will be passed as the name param to the download-artifact action)

deploy-command: After the artifact is copied to the server, this script will run (as the deploy-user) to launch your app

deploy-user-private-key: Private key for the deploy user. Should be kept secret.

deploy-user-public-key: Public key for the deploy user. If this action creates the linode, this key will automatically be added to the authorized_keys list on the server. Otherwise, you will have to add it yourself.

Optional Inputs

linode-root-pass: If this action creates the linode, set this value as the root password. Otherwise, linode itself will auto-generate a root password (either way, you will be able to modify this later by logging into the linode UI)

linode-admin-users-file: If this action creates the linode, create each of these users on the server (they will be added to the admin, dev, wheel groups, see the stackscript for more details) and add their public keys.

Example: linode-admin-users-file: ./admin_users.json with contents:

    "user": "admin",
    "public_key": "ssh-rsa abc123mypublickey=="

deploy-user: The name of the deploy user on the server (should correspond with the deploy-user-public/private-key variables). Default: deploy

healthcheck-urls: After deploying, the app will wait for this url to return an http 200. If it does not succeed after 30 seconds, it will roll back the previous code, and attempt to restart the old version by re-execting deploy-command (note that at this time it will run the new deploy-command which may cause problems if you've changed it and your deploy fails)


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