This application queries twitter for tweets with the hashtag #CUSEC2015 and displays them in a circular sun web fashion.
This was made for the Canadian Universities Software Engineering Conference of 2015 to display a live feed of all the tweets with that hashtag during the conference.
#Build Ensure you have Processing downloaded ( to run the application. Open up CUSEC_Twitter.pde and hit the big play button in Processing interface to compile and run.
If you want to use this for your own twitter visualizer (do it!), make sure to go into hashtags.txt and change the text file to read the hashtags that you want to be queried. The rest of the application will update itself dynamically to find and display the tweets which match the hashtags in the file.
Make sure to visit Twitter's developers page to get OAuth credentials to build your own app using the REST API.
#License MIT © Ursula Sarracini