Transactional-Outbox for Rails.
- Publishing event data in transactional-outbox pattern
- Polling multiple databases and outbox tables
- Can use your own publisher/subscriber
- Custom Metrics with dogstatsd
- Ensure message ordering
Supported publisher
- Google Cloud Pub/Sub
- Ruby 2.6+
- Rails 6.0+
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'trabox'
And then execute:
bundle install
bin/rails g trabox:configure
This will generate config file config/initializers/trabox.rb
bundle binstubs trabox
# generate model
bin/rails g trabox:model <NAME>
# Help
bin/rails g trabox:model --help
rails generate trabox:model NAME [field[:type][:index] field[:type][:index]] [options]
additional option: --polymorphic=<NAME> This option is inserted references column in generated outbox model. This use to associate event record with outbox record when the application is designed immutable data model.
example:bin/rails g trabox:model event --polymorphic=event
class CreateEvents < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
def change
create_table :events do |t|
t.references :event, polymorphic: true, null: false # additional column
t.binary :event_data
t.string :message_id
t.datetime :published_at
Insert events to publish into the generated outbox table as part of the local transaction.
# Your rails application
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
user = User.create! name: 'hoge'
Event.create! event_data: <serialized_user_event>
bin/trabox relay
# Help
bin/trabox relay -h
Usage: trabox relay [OPTIONS]
Overwrite configuration
-l, --limit NUM
-i, --interval SEC
-L, --[no-]lock
--log-level LEVEL
bin/trabox subscribe
# Help
bin/trabox subscribe -h
Usage: trabox subscribe [OPTIONS]
Overwrite configuration
--log-level LEVEL
The default namespace of metrics is trabox
The namespace can be changed with TRABOX_METRIC_NAMESPACE
environment variable.
name | description |
unpublished_event_count | Number of events that will be published |
published_event_count | Number of published events |
find_events_error_count | Number of errors that find events to publish |
publish_event_error_count | Number of publication errors |
update_event_record_error_count | Number of record update errors |
command | metric name |
relay | relay.service.check |
subscribe | subscribe.service.check |
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome.
bundle install
docker-compose up
setup db
cd spec/rails_app
bin/rails db:setup
create topic / subscribe
rake trabox:pubsub_setup
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.