a) A Roadmap for DEVELOPERS. https://roadmap.sh/ b) Always keep separate account for YouTube & General Google Searches. Irrelevant searches, Go INCOGNITO. c) Create a good LinkedIn profile. As you are a student, you can fill info related to your interests. Make good connections with people who seems interest to you professionally. d) Checkout GSoC - Google Summer of Code (https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/)
Pick one Language from below: [C, C++, Java, Python]
Learn Fundamentals of coding. => Common sites to learn programming Sites: a) tutorialspoint.com b) codecademy c) guru99.com d) w3schools.com e) javatpoint.com (not just for Java) f) programiz.com g) Hackerrank
=> Python specific resources: a) guru99.com b) programiz.com c) realpython.com (Article based learning) d) w3schools.com e) "Automate the boring stuff with Python" [A Book] f) "Learn Python the Hard way" [A Book] g) Learnpython.org
=> Python specific YouTube Channels: a) Coreschafer Python b) Sentdex Python (Also datascience, Computer Vision etc available) c) Socratica
Learn what is Pseudocode & how will it be useful for you.
Learn Best practices of coding. Google & read: "coding best practices for <your_fav_language" Example: Python has "Zen of Python" (Principles and best practices for Python coders)
Practice Practice Practice. Keep practicing everyday. Learn something, try to code the concept. Like, understand some concept, try to explain to MACHINE (Precise instructions) or write a pseudocode to get an Overview of your solution to the problem.
Once you are good to write code, Learn Data Structures & Algorithms [DSA] *** (Very imp for a Software Engineer): => Platforms to learn: a) Geeksforgeeks.org (To read, & practice) b) "Gates Lecture by Ravindrababu ravula" on YouTube. c) "Coding Dojo" on YouTube. d) "mycodeschool" on YouTube. e) "TechDose" on YouTube. f) Khanacademy Platform, Coursera, edX..(lot more tech available in these platforms) h) "MIT OpenCourseWare" Lectures By MIT University Professors (Free on YouTube or their site: https://ocw.mit.edu)
=> Platforms to practice interview, competitive programming on DSA: (Scoring in these platforms adds value to your profile) a) leetcode b) geeksforgeeks.org c) codechef d) topcoder e) codeforces f) hackerearth g) hackerrank
-Watch How Google interviews are done. By Real Google Engineers. Follow ("Life at Google" on YouTube) -Watch "A day in life of software engineer in <Silicon Valley/Facebook/Google/Microsoft/Amazon/Apple/Quora>"..etc (Watchit like shortfilm)
If you want to start Web Development as Backend Developer:
- HTML5, CSS3, JS (Basic understanding)
- Pick a framework from the Backend language you know (See roadmap.sh) ex: Java --> Hibernate, Spring etc. Python --> Flask, Django, Pyramid etc. C# --> .NET/ASP.net
- Learn SQL along with any one Database like : MySQL, Postgresql etc.
Python specific for WEB: {If you already know Python, go ahead and learn one of these} a) Flask (https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/) b) Django (https://overiq.com/)
PYTHON Web Framework tutorials YouTube: c) Codingforentrepreneurs (Django) d) Coreschafer, Freecodcamp, Sentdex (Flask)
Learn what is a Version Control System & How does Contribution work? Examples: Github (Version Control)
YouTube For Tutorials: a) Coreschafer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVsySz-h9r4]
- Good info on how to start contribution to any project on Github: a) https://akrabat.com/the-beginners-guide-to-contributing-to-a-github-project/ b) https://codeburst.io/a-step-by-step-guide-to-making-your-first-github-contribution-5302260a2940
Machine Learning Prerequisties:
- {Math, Statistics} Basic understanding of core concepts & Programming.
Linear Algebra
Calculus Article on How Much Math is required for ML: https://towardsdatascience.com/the-mathematics-of-machine-learning-894f046c568
Multi-variate calculus: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/multivariable-calculus
STATISTICS: 3. Probability 4. Linear Regression
The BEST Math Explained with great Animations on YouTube by far to make you understand the CONCEPT than implementation: "3B1B" (YouTube Channel - 3Blue 1Brown)
For Implementation: KHANACADEMY
Linear Algebra Lecture by Best Professor (GILBERT STRANG - Long Lectures But Good info): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVKj3LADCnA&list=PL49CF3715CB9EF31D
Once you know Linear Algebra, here is the PDF which shows how you can implement using Linear Algebra using PYTHON: https://www.mobt3ath.com/uplode/book/book-33342.pdf
Some random things you have to do when you are free:
- Check 3B1B site when you are free. Great person who makes great animations on Math. (https://www.3blue1brown.com/recommendations)
- How Software Engineering at Google works. How they work on their products. (https://www.arxiv.org/pdf/1702.01715.pdf)
- “An interview with Vladimir Iglovikov, Senior Computer Vision Engineer at Lyft” by Sayak Paul https://link.medium.com/xDPwzCA0o5
- Guy named Jabrils (ML, Computer Vision projects, AI Drones) -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQALLeQPoZdZC4JNUboVEUg
- Watch "Life at Google" when bored.
- Surf LinkedIn and make new friends.
- Contribute or see what projects are out there which you might be interested in to contribute or start your own application.
For cybersecurity, let's see later when you want to explore.