SQLAlchemy core, but fancier.
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqla_fancy_core import TableFactory
tf = TableFactory()
# Define a table
class Author:
id = tf.auto_id()
name = tf.string("name")
created_at = tf.created_at()
updated_at = tf.updated_at()
Table = tf("author")
# Define a table
class Book:
id = tf.auto_id()
title = tf.string("title")
author_id = tf.foreign_key("author_id", Author.id)
created_at = tf.created_at()
updated_at = tf.updated_at()
Table = tf("book")
# Create the tables
engine = sa.create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:")
with engine.connect() as conn:
# Insert author
qry = (
.values({Author.name: "John Doe"})
author = next(conn.execute(qry).mappings())
author_id = author[Author.id]
assert author_id == 1
# Insert book
qry = (
.values({Book.title: "My Book", Book.author_id: author_id})
book = next(conn.execute(qry).mappings())
assert book[Book.id] == 1
# Query the data
qry = sa.select(Author.name, Book.title).join(
Book.author_id == Author.id,
result = conn.execute(qry).fetchall()
assert result == [("John Doe", "My Book")], result
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from sqla_fancy_core import TableFactory
tf = TableFactory()
def field(col, default=...):
return col.info["field"](default)
# Define a table
class User:
name = tf.string(
"name", info={"field": lambda default: Field(default, max_length=5)}
Table = tf("author")
# Define a pydantic schema
class CreateUser(BaseModel):
name: str = field(User.name)
# Define a pydantic schema
class UpdateUser(BaseModel):
name: str | None = field(User.name, None)
assert CreateUser(name="John").model_dump() == {"name": "John"}
assert UpdateUser(name="John").model_dump() == {"name": "John"}
assert UpdateUser().model_dump(exclude_unset=True) == {}
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
UpdateUser(name="John Doe")