An implementation of the Ray Tracer Challenge by Jamis Buck, written in Swift 5.0.
Primitives Supported:
- Sphere
- Cube
- Cone
- Triangle
- Cylinder
- CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry)
- Union
- Intersection
- Difference
- Group
- Waveform OBJ Files
- Point Light
- Area Light
Texture Mapping:
- Spherical
- Planar
- Cylindrical
- Cube
Image Formats:
Scene Description Format:
- Yaml
Bounding Boxes:
- Dividing Scene based on largest dimension
All existing tests from the book's 17 chapters have been implemented and currently pass. In addition the 3 available bonus chapters have also been implemented along wifh multiple light support and material inheritance. This was a project for me to learn Swift while doing something enjoyable like tranforming mathematics into pretty pictures.