- set variables in getOCfiles2D.py
base='/path_to_dailyFiles/filename_{grid}_*.nc' base is the path to the files. Please consider that: files need to be daily the filename must declare the grid type , U or V. The code search for U or V in {grid}
mask_path='/path/to/nemo_mesh_mask.nc' mask_path is the path to the nemo mesh mask
outdir is the directory where the files will be stored. If not exists, will be created
input_type= 'from_v3' input_type is used from the nemo module to call functions available options are: 'from_v3' if the nemo files comes from NEMO v3* version 'from_v4' if the nemo files comes from NEMO v4* version 'from_medv3' if the nemo files comes from the CMEMS MED-PHY 'from_pqTool' if the nemo files comes from CMCC-PQtool 'from_CFcompl' if the nemo files are CF compliant
- run command python getOCfiles2D.py
- set variables in computeYearly2D.py
base='path/to/dailyOCfiles' base id the path to daily stream function file produced by getOCfiles2D.py
f_tmpl='{var}_{year}*.nc' f_tmpl is the template for the files in base. No needs changes if user is using the standard output name from getOCfiles2D
outdir='yearlyOC_2D' outdir is the directory where the files will be stored. If not exists, will be created
years=range(startingYear,EndYear+1,1) years is the list of years user need
vars=['moc', 'zoc'] vars is a list. User can select one or both 'moc' and 'zoc'
lonBOX=False lonBOX allow to compute ZOC on the whole domain (if False), or on a reduced domain (set list with [minlon, maxlon])
latBOX= False latBOX allow to compute MOC on the whole domain (if False), or on a reduced domain (set list with [minlat, maxlat])
- run command python computeYearly2D.py