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Predict Clinical Photosensitvity using Autogluon Tabular

Test of Autogluon Tabular to predict the clinical photosensitivity (PIH) published by Schmidt et al Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2019, 32, 2338−2352. The models are trained using different combinations of molecular fingerprints and descriptors.


Download supplementary material file tx9b00338_si_001.xls with Table S1 from

# Create directories
mkdir data
mkdir models
mkdir results

# Create environment
conda env create -f environment.yml

# Activate environment
conda activate autogluon

# Start Jupyter notebook server
jupyter notebook

Save file tx9b00338_si_001.xls in data directory

Running the scripts

  1. Prepare the input data using the Jupyter notebook: prepare-pih-data.ipynb
  2. Build an Autogluon model using the splits provided in the Set column: build-autogluon-pih-model.ipynb
  3. Run benchmarks to compare models using datasets with different feature combinations: python


On article

  • Table 4 reports prediction accuracies of 85% for the PIH data using Random Decision Forest models using 224 descriptors consisting of
    1. Quantum Mechanical descriptors: 9 HOMO-LUMO gap, 22 spectral integrals, 1 ionization potential (IP), electron affinities (EA)
    2. Pharmacophoric fingerprints: 191 CATS descriptors
  • Table S-6 reports as best DNN model performance a ROC-AUC of 0.810 for the test data

On benchmark with Autogluon

  • 9 SMILES in the published PIH data failed clean up steps using RDKit and were excluded.
  • A best quality fit in Autogluon using a time limit of 10 minutes.
  • The benchmark showed the highest accuracy on the test data of 78% using combined RDKit descriptors with Morgan Fingerprints of length 1024 radius 3.
  • A model using CATS descriptors alone gave an accuracy of 71% for the test data.
  • The highest ROC-AUC of 0.8449 for the test data was achieved by model using RDKit descriptors only.

Benchmark results

Features Set ROC-AUC Accuracy Balanced Accuracy Sensitivity Specifity MCC F1 Precision Recall
pih_rdkit Train 0.9955 0.9599 0.9517 0.9863 0.9446 0.917 0.9475 0.9863 0.9116
pih_rdkit Test 0.8449 0.7712 0.7314 0.8442 0.7467 0.523 0.65 0.8442 0.5285
pih_rdkit External 0.8238 0.75 0.7751 0.9 0.6111 0.5303 0.7759 0.9 0.6818
pih_maccs Train 0.9711 0.8838 0.8661 0.9142 0.8682 0.7568 0.842 0.9142 0.7803
pih_maccs Test 0.7973 0.7516 0.7084 0.8219 0.7296 0.4794 0.6122 0.8219 0.4878
pih_maccs External 0.811 0.7308 0.76 0.8958 0.5893 0.5022 0.7544 0.8958 0.6515
pih_flatring_fps Train 0.9971 0.9639 0.9589 0.9737 0.9579 0.9246 0.9536 0.9737 0.9343
pih_flatring_fps Test 0.813 0.781 0.7463 0.8333 0.7613 0.5412 0.6763 0.8333 0.5691
pih_flatring_fps External 0.8569 0.7115 0.7392 0.875 0.5714 0.4622 0.7368 0.875 0.6364
pih_flatring_rdkit_cats Train 0.9956 0.9549 0.9471 0.9756 0.9428 0.9062 0.9412 0.9756 0.9091
pih_flatring_rdkit_cats Test 0.8418 0.7712 0.7301 0.8533 0.7446 0.5246 0.6465 0.8533 0.5203
pih_flatring_rdkit_cats External 0.7899 0.6635 0.6846 0.8163 0.5273 0.3562 0.6957 0.8163 0.6061
pih_flatring_cats Train 0.9759 0.9108 0.8971 0.9373 0.8964 0.8138 0.8809 0.9373 0.8308
pih_flatring_cats Test 0.7967 0.7516 0.7177 0.7701 0.7443 0.4733 0.6381 0.7701 0.5447
pih_flatring_cats External 0.75 0.6731 0.681 0.7963 0.54 0.3489 0.7167 0.7963 0.6515
pih_rdkit_fps Train 0.9991 0.98 0.976 0.9921 0.9724 0.9583 0.9743 0.9921 0.9571
pih_rdkit_fps Test 0.8413 0.7876 0.7478 0.8816 0.7565 0.5623 0.6734 0.8816 0.5447
pih_rdkit_fps External 0.8393 0.75 0.7751 0.9 0.6111 0.5303 0.7759 0.9 0.6818
pih_flatring_rdkit Train 0.9893 0.9419 0.9302 0.9774 0.9224 0.8799 0.9227 0.9774 0.8737
pih_flatring_rdkit Test 0.8282 0.7647 0.7206 0.8592 0.7362 0.5126 0.6289 0.8592 0.4959
pih_flatring_rdkit External 0.8309 0.6827 0.7221 0.8837 0.541 0.4343 0.6972 0.8837 0.5758
pih_flatring_rdkit_fps Train 0.9985 0.98 0.9769 0.987 0.9755 0.9582 0.9744 0.987 0.9621
pih_flatring_rdkit_fps Test 0.8394 0.7745 0.7368 0.8375 0.7522 0.5285 0.6601 0.8375 0.5447
pih_flatring_rdkit_fps External 0.8417 0.75 0.7695 0.8846 0.6154 0.5192 0.7797 0.8846 0.697
pih_flatring_maccs Train 0.956 0.8577 0.8354 0.8944 0.8402 0.702 0.8022 0.8944 0.7273
pih_flatring_maccs Test 0.7984 0.7386 0.6895 0.8308 0.7137 0.4542 0.5745 0.8308 0.439
pih_flatring_maccs External 0.7923 0.6058 0.6615 0.8571 0.4783 0.3291 0.5941 0.8571 0.4545
pih_fps Train 0.9991 0.989 0.9883 0.9873 0.99 0.977 0.9861 0.9873 0.9848
pih_fps Test 0.8134 0.781 0.7436 0.85 0.7566 0.5437 0.67 0.85 0.5528
pih_fps External 0.8242 0.7115 0.7337 0.86 0.5741 0.4504 0.7414 0.86 0.6515
pih_flatring Train 0.7141 0.6523 0.6167 0.5809 0.6835 0.2484 0.5036 0.5809 0.4444
pih_flatring Test 0.668 0.6275 0.5819 0.5584 0.6507 0.1851 0.43 0.5584 0.3496
pih_flatring External 0.6124 0.5288 0.573 0.7297 0.4179 0.1468 0.5243 0.7297 0.4091
pih_cats Train 0.9262 0.8236 0.8106 0.7957 0.8403 0.6285 0.7708 0.7957 0.7475
pih_cats Test 0.7652 0.7124 0.6743 0.7108 0.713 0.3843 0.5728 0.7108 0.4797
pih_cats External 0.7309 0.6346 0.6451 0.7692 0.5 0.2796 0.678 0.7692 0.6061
pih_maccs_fps Train 0.9981 0.9699 0.9647 0.9841 0.9613 0.9374 0.9612 0.9841 0.9394
pih_maccs_fps Test 0.8282 0.781 0.745 0.8415 0.7589 0.5424 0.6732 0.8415 0.561
pih_maccs_fps External 0.8337 0.7115 0.7448 0.8913 0.569 0.4747 0.7321 0.8913 0.6212


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