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A cross-platform GUI, CLI and a web interface to efficiently control lights connected to your Philips Hue bridge


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A cross-platform CLI, GUI and web - frontend for software remote control of Philips Hue bridges, based on huego.

huego-fe focuses on basic lights operations (on, off, brightness, ... more to come potentially).

CLI usage

$ huego-fe
huego-fe can control your philips hue stuff

  huego-fe [flags]
  huego-fe [command]

Available Commands:
  brightness  set light brightness
  colortemp   set light color temperature
  help        Help about any command
  list        A brief description of your command
  login       Discover Hue bridge and log in -- press link button first!
  off         fusion reactor control plane
  on          engage rocket launcher
  serve       exposes Hue lights control via an ugly web interface
  toggle      toggle toggles
  version     prints a bestseller novel on-demand

      --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.huego-fe.yaml)
  -h, --help                  help for huego-fe
  -g, --hue-group int         Hue group No.# [$HUE_GROUP], see: huego-fe list (default 1)
  -i, --hue-ip string         Hue bridge IP [$HUE_IP] , see: huego-fe login -h
  -l, --hue-light int         Hue light No.# [$HUE_LIGHT], see: huego-fe list (default 1)
  -u, --hue-user string       Hue bridge user/token [$HUE_USER], see: huego-fe login -h
  -f, --light-filter string   exclude lights (provided as comma-separated list of IDs) from UI
  -s, --single-light          Apply operation on single light, not (default) group

Use "huego-fe [command] --help" for more information about a command.


If you have Go installed and want to build from current master:

go get

Otherwise, download a binary release, extract it and put the binary somewhere on your PATH.

Setup / Usage / Examples

At first run after installation, huego-fe needs to be linked to your Hue. Hue address and login data will be stored in ~/.huego-fe.yml. Should you ever want to re-link, delete the file.

Note: Web currently still lacks color temperature and group control capabilities. Soon ...


  • Run huego-fe serve --open-browser (or huego-fe s -o for short).

Your browser should open, showing huego-fe web UI, asking you to push link button. Once pressed, you should be warped into control UI.


  • Press Hue's link button to enable login
  • Now run huego-fe login within a few seconds
  • Try ...
    • cat ~/.huego-fe.yml to check generated config
    • huego-fe list to dump lights/groups including IDs to console
    • huego-fe on to power up the default lamp
    • huego-fe b 64 -l 6 -- add -l ... to override default light; e.g. here: to set brightness of light 6 to 64
    • huego-fe t toggles the default light


  • just run huego-fe without any command line arguments to launch GUI.

Keyboard shortcuts:

Key(s) Action
Tab toggle between single-light and group control mode
/ select light / group
/ brightness -/+ 20
with Ctrl: brightness -/+ 10
with Alt: brightness jump min/max
/ + Shift color temperature -/+ 20
with Ctrl: color temperature -/+ 10
with Alt: color temperature jump min/max
PgUp / Home power on
PgDn / End power off
/ Enter toggle power state
Space toggle and quit
ESC quit

To override GUI startup default light (as read from ~/.huego-fe.yml), use -l command line flag. By putting e.g. light-filter: "2,3,4,5" into ~/.huego-fe.yml, lights with given IDs will be hidden from UI.

Desktop integration

It might be handy to assign a Keyboard shortcut to start huego-fe GUI for regular use.

Example setup for Gnome / Ubuntu 20.04:
  • Go to settings > Keyboard shortcuts, scroll to bottom, hit +
  • Given you put huego-fe into $PATH during installation, just use huego-fe here as Name and Command
  • Click Set Shortcut and e.g. choose/press Ctrl-F12

Pressing Ctrl-F12 will now bring up huego-fe with default hue-light as set in ~/.huego-fe.yml!

You may want to additionally assign huego-fe toggle (to e.g. Ctrl-Shift-F12), permitting direct toggling of your default lamp.

Example configuration file

The .huego-fe.yml gets written to your home directory upon initial Hue bridge pairing success and read at each startup. Each setting maps to the command line flag of same name. Command line flags override config file settings. Example contents:

# The following group filter will exclude group IDs 2,3,4,5 from UI (e.g. if no intent to ever control):
group-filter: "2,3,4,5"
# As for groups -- light exclusion filter. List IDs not to show in UI (control via CLI is still possible).
light-filter: "2,3,4,5"

# The default group ID to open in UI and to control via CLI if no group was provided, dto. for light:
hue-group: 1
hue-light: 6

# Command line flag -s / --single-light; defaults to false. Keep it like this, unless you want to
# exclusively use GUI and have it show single light control mode on every startup.
single-light: false

# Open a web browser when running huego-fe serve?
open-browser: false

# Bridge settings
hue-user: ...individual.key.from.pairing...

Using above config, and assuming we have light and group IDs 1-6 to control, we can now e.g. t[oggle] like this:

  • huego-fe t will toggle default group (ID 1), as --single-light is false by default
  • huego-fe t 6 will toggle non-default group (ID 6)
  • huego-fe t -s will toggle default light (ID 6)
  • huego-fe t -s 1 will toggle non-default light (ID 1)


  • getting/setting colors, see
  • cli: enable cobra shell auto-completion on commands / lights
  • add a cmd/install_linux.go that permits simple installation of systemd socket-activated huego-fe serve?
  • web: use index.tpl.html for link process, too; group+color temp control missing
  • add huego-fe schedule to easily manage systemd timers / mac launchd / MS ScheduledTask?
  • split gui and cli/web binaries? build time for CLI/web only usage concerns + mousetrap breaks cli on win
  • github action: add release builds; open: goreleaser vs cgo / how-to

kudos to ...

  • huego -- for making building huego-fe on top of it a simple joy
  • Gio -- for enabling huego-fe GUI
  • Cobra -- for rocking huego-fe CLI


Plenty for sure - have you seen a single test in here? Lame excuse: Toy project. Still, issues / PRs very welcome.