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Olivier Scholder edited this page Nov 28, 2017 · 7 revisions


ITStrF01 fileformat used blocks of Type 00 in order to store data. Sometime those data are in the form of a key/value pair and is stored as follow:

UINT32 | UINT32 |  UINT32  |  UINT32 |   UINT32   |  UTF16   | UINT16 |   INT64   |    FLOAT64  |
   a   |   b    |  length1 | length2 | key-length | key-name |    c   | INT value | FLOAT value | 

      UINT32        |    UTF16     | 13 × BYTES
String-Value length | String Value | Unknown


  • a is found to be equal to 19 (13-00-00-00 in hex)
  • b is found to be 0
  • length1 is always equal to length2 and is found to be the value length (from key-length to the end of the block)
  • c seems to be always equal to 0
  • the last 13 unknown bytes seems to be also equal to zero.


In the ITM files, the raw data contains ' 20' Blocks (without quotes) which contains value recorded during the measurement. In this case the 16 first bytes a,b,length1 and length2 are omitted in order to save space. The last 13 empty bytes are still there though...

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