The Largest List of Windows hosts
This is an exhaustive list of all Windows DNS names that call back to Microsoft or third party applications builtin to the Operating System.
Created script to help configure Microsoft blocking and unblocking.
- Requires administrator privileges
- Maximizes window on startup
- Self-adds to Windows Defender exclusions
- Downloads/modifies Windows hosts file
- Redirects Microsoft domains to localhost (
- Disables IPv6 on network adapters
- Creates Windows Firewall rules
- Blocks Microsoft IP ranges
- Downloads/processes Microsoft's public IP ranges
- Fast Block: Executes all blocking actions sequentially
- Complete Unblock: Reverses all blocking actions
- Manual Actions: Individual control of each function
- Hosts file backup creation
- Windows Firewall rule management
- Network adapter restart capability
- DNS flush and re-registration
- Temporary file cleanup
- IPv6 status display
- Hosts file modification status
- Firewall rule status
Interactive menu system offering:
- Complete Microsoft connection blocking
- Full unblock functionality
- Manual action execution
- Real-time status monitoring
Blocking includes any built in apps
Bing, Outlook, Office, Edge, Skype, Xbox,, Windows Update, Defender Update, Azure, OneDrive, Spotify, TikTok, Clipchamp, Disney+ , Facebook, Linkedin and Telemetry.
The network icon will show that you have no internet connectivity, this is because of Occasionally your browser will pop open and go to this domain to force a connection home. It won't work and the page will be blank. To fix this go to link below to modify your registry settings.
I wouldn't recommend doing this but if you really want to block everything the guide is here to experiment with. Windows Restricted Traffic Limited Functionality Baseline: A Microsoft provided package that will allow your organization to quickly configure the settings covered in this document to restrict connections from Windows 10 and Windows 11 to Microsoft. Download Windows Restricted Traffic Limited Functionality Baseline zip file and run the powershell script. This will break browsing the internet because of Windows checking https websites against Microsoft Certificate Authorities. To fix this use gpedit.msc and under administrative templates, find the setting for ssl or certificates.
Microsoft is known to not resolve all DNS names when communicating with Windows If you have a router firewall you can also block Windows Public Connection Endpoints
Run powershell as administrator and enter "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned"
- Block.MSFT.ps1 to block all Microsoft Public IP Space
- Unblock.MSFT.ps1 to remove the rules