truesilver is a utility library for mithril.
It currently consists of the following utilities:
To Install:
npm install truesilver
Note that truesilver is far from stable and should not be used in production.
is a utility which converts functional-components to valid mithril-components. Functional-components have form:
const Example = (vnode) => {
// oninit things
return () => m('div', ... ) // render function
See How I use Mithril for reference on this pattern. (note mithril#rewrite includes its own implementation of streams).
Injects a context object into created mithril components. This can be used to share information throughout your app.
It optionally allows you to work with Redux.
can be used two ways:
- To add global state or references to your components:
// index.js
import m from 'mithril'
import stream from 'mithril/stream'
import { component } from 'truesilver'
import Root from './components/root'
const DOM = {
clicks: stream(),
blurs: stream(),
document.addEventListener('click', DOM.clicks)
document.addEventListener('blur', DOM.blurs, true)
connect.context = { DOM }
m.mount(document.getElementById('app'), Root)
// some-component.js
import m from 'mithril'
import stream from 'mithril/stream'
import { connect } from 'truesilver'
export default connect({
oninit (vnode) { = true
this.close = () => ( = false)
// since this is a descendant of a stream outside of this component's context it needs
// to be cleaned up. 'connect' automatically will clean up streams added to
// 'vnode.state.streams' (which mithril binds to 'this' by default)
this.streams = [
// doesn't need to be in .streams since it will already
// be garbage collected when instance is removed = stream() => e.stopPropagation())
view () {
return m('div', { onclick: }, [
// modal-ly stuff here
- With Redux:
// configure-store.js
import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import { connect } from 'truesilver'
import * as reducers from './reducers'
improt middleware from './middleware'
connect.context = createStore(combineReducers(reducers), applyMiddleware(middleware))
// counter-component
import m from 'mithril'
import { connect } from 'truesilver'
import { increment, decrement } from 'actions'
const mapStateToProps = ({ count }) => ({ count })
const mapDispatchToProps = { increment, decrement }
const Counter = connect(
view () {
return [
m('button', { onclick: this.decrement() }, '-'),
m('button', { onclick: this.increment() }, '+'),
export default Counter
connect functions with both component and pure, of course:
export default connect(component( ... ))
export default connect(pure( ... ))
Has a custom setter which Object.assign
's anything you assign to it:
connect.context = { DOM }
connect.context = { LOG }
connect.context = { ETC }
connect.context.hasOwnProperty('DOM') //=>true
connect.context.hasOwnProperty('LOG') //=>true
connect.context.hasOwnProperty('ETC') //=>true
If you ever need to replace the existing context, replaceContext
will do so:
Note: you should not use this after components have mounted
connect.context = { DOM, LOG, ETC }
connect.replaceContext({ FOO, BAR })
connect.context.hasOwnProperty('DOM') //=>false
connect.context.hasOwnProperty('LOG') //=>false
connect.context.hasOwnProperty('ETC') //=>false
connect.context.hasOwnProperty('FOO') //=>true
connect.context.hasOwnProperty('BAR') //=>true
This creates a clone of connect
with its own context.
This allows different parts of your apps to have different shared state.
connect.context = { FOO }
connect2 = connect.withContext({ BAR })
connect.context.hasOwnProperty('FOO') //=>true
connect.context.hasOwnProperty('BAR') //=>false
connect2.context.hasOwnProperty('FOO') //=>false
connect2.context.hasOwnProperty('BAR') //=>true
adds the following methods to your component: oninit
, onbeforeupdate
, onbeforeremove
, and onremove
(wrapping existing ones if necessary)
These ensure that their vnode.attrs
is updated with your context's values.
wraps a function to allow functional components, a la React:
// counter.js
import m from 'mithril'
import { pure } from 'truesilver'
const addToStream = n => stream => () => stream(stream() + n)
const increment = addToStream(1)
const decrement = addToStream(-1)
const Counter = ({ number$ }) =>
m('div', [
m('button', { onclick: decrement(number$) }, '-'),
m('span', number$()),
m('button', { onclick: increment(number$) }, '+')
export default pure(Counter)
- TODO - simple light box
- TODO - hooking up to redux
- TODO - random gif