A robust Data Access Layer for Salesforce that simplifies database operations and makes your code more testable.
- Unified interface for all database operations (DML)
- Support for partial operations and access levels
- Easy mocking capabilities for unit tests
- Type-safe operations
- Encapsulates Database operations complexity
This library depends on Apex-Mockery. Make sure to install it first.
- Install Apex-Mockery
- Deploy the following files to your org:
(optional - for testing utilities)
// Insert records
Account newAccount = new Account(Name = 'Test Account');
List<Database.SaveResult> results = DAL.insertRecords(new List<Account>{ newAccount });
// Insert with partial success allowed
List<Database.SaveResult> partialResults = DAL.insertRecordsPartially(new List<Account>{ newAccount });
// Update records
Account existingAccount = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 1];
existingAccount.Name = 'Updated Name';
DAL.updateRecords(new List<Account>{ existingAccount });
// Query records
List<Account> accounts = DAL.query([SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name LIKE 'Test%']);
// Dynamic query with bind variables
Map<String, Object> bindVars = new Map<String, Object>{'name' => 'Test%'};
List<Account> accounts = DAL.query('SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name LIKE :name', bindVars);
// SOSL search
List<List<SObject>> searchResults = DAL.find([FIND 'Test' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(Id, Name)]);
### Test Code
static void testAccountCreation() {
// Arrange
DAL.Stub dalStub = DAL.mock();
MethodSpy insertSpy = dalStub.spyOnInsert();
Account testAccount = new Account(Name = 'Test');
Database.SaveResult mockResult = (Database.SaveResult)DatabaseTestUtils.makeData(
new Map<String, Object>{
'success' => true,
'id' => DatabaseTestUtils.getFakeId(Account.SObjectType)
insertSpy.returns(new List<Database.SaveResult>{ mockResult });
// Act
List<Database.SaveResult> results = DAL.insertRecords(new List<Account>{ testAccount });
// Assert
System Mode Operations Execute operations with system privileges:
DAL.insertRecords(records, AccessLevel.SYSTEM_MODE);
DAL.updateRecords(records, AccessLevel.SYSTEM_MODE);
DAL.queryRecords(soql, bindMap, AccessLevel.SYSTEM_MODE);
DML Options Customize DML operations with Database.DMLOptions:
Database.DMLOptions options = new Database.DMLOptions();
options.optAllOrNone = true;
options.allowFieldTruncation = true;
DAL.insertRecords(records, options);
- Always use DAL instead of direct Database operations
- Handle operation results appropriately
- Use partial operations when appropriate
- Mock DAL in unit tests for better isolation
- Use System Mode operations sparingly and only when necessary
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.