Releases: scubajeff/lespas
Releases · scubajeff/lespas
Release 2.9.11
- New way to manage photo archive on server, much more clear way to differentiate media file location with newly added location indicator
- Added functions to download media files from archive to device, and upload individual media files to archive
- Overhaul search, when user performs search on Gallery, Les Pas will search all media files both on device and in archive
- Fixed chunk file uploading for large media file backup
- Fixed object detection search function due to missing OpenCL libraries
- Various improvements and bugs fixes
Release 2.9.10
- Updated Snapseed integration to cope with behaviour changes in latest Snapseed
- Updated German translation from Github user @dave7895
- PR by Github user @dave7895 to fix app crash when restoring in a device without external SD card from a previous device which has SD
- Fixed ANR in Gallery when using "Select All" on a folder with many pictures
Release 2.9.9
- Fixed local snapshot mismatch with server archive after picture removed, causing ghost files showing in Gallery list
- Added function to forced refresh archive list
Release 2.9.8
- Archive management is back, you can now manage all your backup from all your devices
- Process more timestamp patterns in file name
- Try fixing location search crash again
- Show icons in toolbar overflow menu
Release 2.9.7
- New settings when sharing photos to other apps
- New function to export photos to phone's local storage
- Fixed location search crash
- Fixed Gallery file size overflow
Release 2.9.6
- Target Android 14
- Support HDR image on Android 14
- More choices for network cache setting
Release 2.9.5
- Fixed preview image loading
- Fixed Snapseed integration
Release 2.9.4
Hotfix to release 2.9.3, with fix for sharing disabled
Release 2.9.3
- Enhanced slideshow play back experience with auto scroll caption display, pause state for sliding back and forth, support screen rotate during play back, etc.
- Enhanced geotagging, tag photo base on geo point's timezone and support optional DST adjustment
- Option to preserve caption, location and taken date meta data when performing meta data rescan
- When photo being copied or moved, saved meta data got transferred too
- When editing by Snapseed, saved meta data got copied to new photo
- Fixed sync error when album name contain special characters which need escaping
- Fixed app hanging when choosing home folder during login
Release 2.9.2
- Bug fixes release